Mission Update: CO @ AU

Listen to learn more about Campus Outreach and the work they are doing on the campus of American University.

Mission Update: Middle East

We sent our sister to the Middle East to minister among refugees. She spent a year striving to advance the good news of Jesus. Listen to hear a bit more about her time there and what she's doing now.

Mission Update: Iglesia Biblica Sublime Gracia

By God's grace, our first church plant - Iglesia Biblica Sublime Gracia - is becoming a reality. Listen as Alejandro gives a quick update on some of the ways the Lord is at work for the glory of his name in Columbia Heights.

Accountability: When It Does Work

In the last episode, we discussed some practices that might hinder our accountability. With that in mind, listen as we now discuss ideas that facilitate profitable times in accountability.

Accountability: When It Doesn't Work

Inside the life of Restoration Church formal "accountability" plays a role in our discipling one another - and so does informal times of accountability. But it doesn't always work. Listen to hear some practices that might hinder the effectiveness of these times together.

Accountability: What is It & Why Do It?

Every week in our Community Groups, we spend dedicated time with people of the same gender to encourage and pray for one another. We call this time "Accountability." We'll take the next few episodes to discuss biblical foundations and practical ideas to help us utilize this time for the glory of Christ.

Ask the Pastor: Grab Bag

Listen as Nathan and Joey answer a "grab bag" of questions - some serious, others not so much.

What is TULIP?

In this episode of "Ask the Pastor," Nathan and Joey discuss the TULIP acronym. What does it mean and where does it come from? Listen to find out.

Why the ESV Bible?

In this episode of "Ask the Pastor" we discuss why Restoration Church uses the English Standard Version of the Bible. Listen to learn more about translation philosophy and why we use the ESV.

Dealing with Pornography in Marriage, Pt. 2

Listen as Nathan and Joey offer additional thoughts on how to deal with pornography inside of marriage. If you desire further counsel, please reach out to one of the elders.