Dating: Who Should I Date?

Assuming you desire to be married and want to date toward that end, what factors should you consider when thinking about who might be a suitable to date? In this episode, that's the main question we ask and seek to answer.

Dating: What is it and should I do it?

What comes to mind when you think about dating? How should a Christian's approach to this endeavor be different than that of the culture around us? What do I need to consider before venturing into a dating relationship? Listen in as we attempt to provide brief answers to these questions and more.

RKids Training: Stages of Growth

This podcast is the first in a series for RKids disciplers and parents as we think about how to disciple the children of Restoration Church. In this episode, we discuss how kids learn and grow and how their different stages of development should inform the way we teach in the various RKids classrooms.

Spiritual Warfare: The Battle in the Mind

Spiritual warfare is real. It happens around us. And it happens within us - in our minds. Listen as we review the previous episodes and discuss how to wage battle in the mind for the joy of Christ.

Spiritual Warfare: Defense & Offense

Brothers and sisters, we are in a fight - not against flesh and blood, but a spiritual battle. How do we fight the good fight? What does it look like to put on the armor of God? Listen as we discuss these questions as it relates to spiritual warfare.

Spiritual Warfare: Design & Intentions

What role does God play when it comes to spiritual warfare? What is the Evil One trying to accomplish? Listen as we briefly consider these questions and more.

Spiritual Warfare Through False Teaching

What comes to mind when you think of spiritual warfare? What is one of Satan's primary tactics for enticing rebellion against our Creator? Listen as Nathan and Joey begin a new series of podcasts on spiritual warfare through false teaching.

Why Preach Judges?

Soon we'll begin a 13-week sermon series through the book of Judges. How do we select which books to preach? And why are we preaching Judges? Listen to find out and learn how you can prepare for these sermons.

Giving Thanks for 2017

All throughout Scriptures we are called to give thanks to God. Even in the midst of turbulent times and difficult circumstances, we have reasons to praise God. Listen as Nathan and Joey do just that - give God thanks for some of what he has done in 2017.

Best Books of 2017

Looking for book recommendations? Listen as Nathan, Joey and Kathryn discuss their favorite reads from this past year.