Advent Calendars

Thanks giving has come and gone. Christmas time is here. In the midst of the season’s “hustle and bustle” we encourage you to be intentional about setting your heart upon Christ; hat’s what this Advent season is all about.

In fact Advent means “coming,” and for the Christian Church, Advent is a season marked by waiting and preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ birth in history (His first coming) and for the anticipation of Christ’s triumphant return (His second coming). It is a season of thoughtful reflection and repentance; an opportunity to rethink our priorities, to realign our lives with God’s desire for us, to seek forgiveness and to start anew.

On of the ways you can do this is through the use of an Advent calendar. Maybe that “calendar” is in the form of a devotional book you read each day. Or if you have kids (or are just a kid at heart), you could make a calendar. There are numerous ways to go about doing this. Here are 33 cleaver ways; and here are a dozens more; and here is a free one to download; and if you don’t like that one, you could download this one. Or just go the simple route and buy one.

Whatever the case, make sure your calendar and time spent using it revolves around Christ and not just chocolate.