Worship through Prayer

Father…we bless your Holy Name, this morning. We praise your Name today, tomorrow, and forever more, because you, God are the only thing that is forever praiseworthy. Your Greatness is unsearchable, your graciousness and your mercy know no end…you abound in steadfast love…your Kingdom is everlasting and your dominion endures throughout all generations.

It is only by your Grace, Mercy, your Power that this church is able to survive a single day, much less 5 years. We believe you are the author of this church and every Gospel loving church. You sustain it by the power of your Spirit, through the proclamation of your word, the singing of your word, the praying of your word…you, Lord…are the hero of this church, your Son, Jesus Christ is our head…our King to whom we gladly submit our lives together as a body, here in Washington, DC.

And yet, we are mindful, of the throngs of ways we have assaulted the throne of Grace just this week. Many of us have forgotten that we covenanted together to be a body of Christ at all. Much less, many of us have forgotten that you Covenanted with US through the blood of your Son by our neglecting to meet with you in private prayer. How often, even when we have prayed…how often were those prayers focused on ourselves and our own personal comforts and how few of them were littered with your praises…or how little of them were infused with hearts that longed to see others relieved of suffering.

Though we covenanted to pray for one another, we haven’t. Though we covenanted to bear one another’s burdens, we haven’t. Though we covenanted to love one another in the same way your son loved us…we haven’t. Instead of being salt and light, this week…many of us have been sour and full of darkness.

But oh how relieved we are that we can come boldly to you…knowing, believing, pleading grace, mercy and forgiveness…and oh how glad we are that we come storming into your room asking you to love us though we have not loved you…because you are our Father…and you have proven that you love us by your offering up your Son. Thank you for the Forgiveness that is found in the pardon of the Prince of Peace. It is only by His grace we can stand.

Thank you, Lord for these 5 years and how they have shaped and molded a people here in NW DC. Thank you for the many ways this Covenant HAS been lived out in a thousand unseen ways. Thank you Lord for the college students that care for our families…thank you for the families that care for our college students. Thank you for how many have been bold and generous with the Gospel in the course of our time here…and how that has brought fruit in the lives of people like Amy, Cullen, and Josh…just to name a few.

Thank you Lord for the leaders you have given us…From Graham & John, to Chris & Deholo. Thank you for the tireless efforts of my brother Joey…and the dozens of CG leaders and others who open up their homes every week so we can spur one another on to this life of faith.

Thank you for our deacons Whitney and Matt…thank you for Brandi and Michelle and how they moved here for the sake of mission…thank you for all our children’s ministry workers and faithful disciplers that pursue others for the purposes of discipleship…oh GOD how KIND you have been to us…and so, since you have blessed us…may WE be a Blessing to OTHERS!

Yes, Lord give this church years and years of faithful ministries….may we raise up church planters to go to the Spanish speakers in Columbia Heights and to the Kurds of Northern Iraq…give this church financial provision and unity in the Gospel for decades long after we are gone until your Son returns.

Yes, Lord…bless our family of churches this morning. We pray your richest blessings on Shadowbrook Baptist Church in Suwanee, Georgia. Shine your face upon them and use them to bind up the brokenhearted of their community. North Wake Church…may they be the embodiment of the manifold wisdom of God in order that they would seek the lost and then equip them to join together in the process of becoming mature and ministering worshipers of God.

Bless Covenant Life Church this morning as they gather…give them a white hot passion to Worship the Lord their God…may they know what it is to DELIGHT in the Supremacy of Christ their King and may they then draw others into the Gospel and spread the news of your greatness into all the South Florida Region.

Be good to Exchange Church as they gather…make much of yourself through the proclamation of the word this morning…and unify them around the grace of the Gospel.

Be near to the Oaks Church Raleigh as they gather this evening…be pleased to grow them for the sake of your glorious name.

Finally, Father…would you attend to us, this morning as we ready ourselves to hear from your word? Guide our brother Justin that he might guide us into the throne room of your grace….change us we pray…through this sermon…that we might more rightly know you, worship you and live for you…in Jesus Name.