Worship through Prayer


Lord, we know that you are a good God who loves his people and listens to our prayers.

We know that we are limited, but you are strong and powerful and sovereign. We know that we are not sufficient in ourselves, but you are fully sufficient. And so as we seek to partner with others for your glory, we come before you asking for your help, your guidance, and your power.

We pray for our friends in the Middle East as they risk their safety and their comfort to proclaim your name to peoples who have never heard it. We pray that you give them endurance, helping them to press on and run the race you have set before them. That through their labors your gospel would be known, Jesus Christ would be known, and that you would transform people’s hearts for their good and your glory.

And we pray for our team that will go to visit these laborers in August, that Lord you would bring refreshment to their souls through the visit of our team and that you would use the team to spur on their ministry.

We pray for H with FCA and O and S with CO as the gear up for the Fall semester. We pray that you bring unity and fruit to their ministries. We pray, Lord, that for your glory, H and O and S would form relationships with students and point them to the immeasurable riches of your grace in Jesus Christ.

We pray for DC127, Lord. We pray that you would give their staff and the many Restoration members who serve in Safe Families perseverance in their work as they seek to serve families in crisis in the DC area. We pray that they would work unto you Lord, that they would, in your strength and wisdom, be effective in helping these families, and that above all that you would bring people to you through their ministry.

Lord, we pray for the M family as they continue the hard work of planting a Spanish-speaking church in Columbia Heights. Prepare people’s hearts to hear your word through their ministry. Give the M’s endurance and patience as they continue the long process of church planting. Alight their souls with your beauty that they may persevere and with zeal go out and share your word with their neighbors in Columbia Heights.

And, finally, Lord, help us, Restoration Church, have servant hearts and minds that want to come alongside these people and others to serve for your glory.

We ask all of this in Jesus’ Name. Amen.