Worship through Prayer

God, we come before you grateful. We praise you for your creation and your placement of us here to sing today of your greatness. We are eager, God, to join in the chorus of saints who have leapt to praise you as you called us to through David’s words in Psalms. We sing today, as he did, to praise you in the heavens as we behold you, to whom nothing can compare. Indeed, let everything that has breath praise the Lord! And we know that all who draw breath do so thanks to you. So we praise you for the beauty of your creation, for the majesty of our universe, for the glories of this earth. And we praise you for creating us—for creating us in your image, for sending us as your image bearers into the world. We have the privilege of being characters in the story you are writing.

It is a beautiful story, one we also give thanks for. We thank you that while we were still sinners, you sent your Son to die for us that we might be saved. Thank you for the cross and its saving power. We praise you for your unconditional love. And it was with that in mind that, just a few moments ago, we came before you to confess corporately. We have recognized our self-righteousness and lack of humility, and we cried out to you. But this was not in despair! For you have sent a mediator, who acts on our behalf in the form of Christ. Through Him, you do not treat us as our sins deserve, but imbue us with His righteousness, who was spotless and blameless. We thank you for this forgiveness, this mercy, this grace. Renew our hearts, O God, with this truth. How great you are, God. May you act in our hearts to show us more of you, and through this, see ever more clearly the magnitude of this beautiful story, for victory is won! The end is secured, and you are the high King who reigns supreme.

We call on you God to sustain us as we move through the week ahead. Enrich us through your truth. We know you are faithful, having called us to fellowship with your Son. And let that truth ring in our mind rather than those things of this world that so often distract us. May this truth lighten our loads and soothe our soul. Calm our hearts and minds this morning. Make our hearts fill with peace, with a peace that surpasses all understanding. May our lives shine as examples to those around us who are weighted down and burdened by the things of this world. You promise an easy yoke and a light burden. But in our hurry we labor and add to our burden as we look only to ourselves. May we turn to your yoke, for you are gentle and provide us rest. You are faithful to us. You chose us, though we were weak, and made us strong. May we be faithful to you.

We appeal to you, God, to bring unity to our church family, to our community groups, and to the families within our church. Mend the divisions amongst us. There are those of us gathered here this morning who are hurting due to harsh words inflicted on us, not by strangers, but by family and friends. So often we quarrel instead of being united. Don’t let us empty the cross of its power. We are forgiven, so let us not hesitate in forgiving. May we be quick to forgive and slow to anger. Can you, even this morning, bring us humbly and graciously to a place where we seek to pacify and not incite? May we mend our rifts and bridge our divides. Let us remember your grace and mercy to us, and offer our own freely to others.

But God, we thank you for this community we live in through which we can bear burdens together, lean on each other, and offer each other grace and love. In worshipping together corporately, we remind each other of your truths, and you knit us together as members of your family. Thank you for bringing each of these people together here today and together as a body. May we sharpen each other, comfort each other, and pour ourselves out for each other. We pray for each member of this body, that today you would help them to grow in your character. And today, we are especially thankful for bringing a new member into the body. We give you thanks today for the adoption of P into the W family and the Restoration family. May you be surrounding their family with protection in this season, and give them safe travels back here when they are able to come.

Today we also pray for the broader community we live in. We pray that you would bring peace and prosperity to Washington, DC. May our local and federal leaders govern well, and may you grant them wisdom as they make decisions for this city and country. We pray that the members of this congregation would continue to influence these leaders for good, and that we would offer winsome truth. We pray that through our lives that those around us would be influenced to seek out the Gospel, to hear afresh the good news that you offer for the redemption of our hearts. May our communities and our cities be transformed by our presence day by day and person by person.

We as well pray for leaders around the globe in other countries. We pray for France as today they cast votes to elect a new leader. May their new president recognize you and may this election bring renewed focus on you. We also pray for the upcoming British elections on June 8, just announced this week, and the German elections in September, may they too bring about your movement in the world, as over the course of less than a year four of the most powerful countries in the world will have elected leaders. We do pray that these elections would bring results that cause your Word to move ever further, but we also recognize that you reign supreme no matter what. May we not put our hope in our earthly leaders, but in you alone.

As we confessed, God, we remember that, while we are more wicked and sinful than we dare imagine, we are more loved and accepted than we ever dare hope. Thanks be to God, who through Christ Jesus, drew us to him. He who loves and accepts us as we are. Who offers us righteousness, sanctification, and redemption. Thanks be to you, that our hope is secure. We offer these confessions, these praises and thanks, these petitions and intercessions; we pray all these things in the matchless name of your Son, Jesus. Amen