Worship through Prayer

Father, we come to you this morning in the name of Jesus Christ, our heavenly priest who intercedes for us. We praise you for who you are. We praise you for your inexhaustible love and lavish grace. You have acted toward us not as we deserve, but according to your compassion and the abundance of your steadfast love. We rest this morning knowing what we do does not define us. We rest this morning knowing our failures do not determine our worth. Remind us Lord, remind us of your graciousness shown to us in Christ Jesus. Holy Spirit, awaken our souls that we might taste and see the Lord is good and all together desirable.

We praise you that you are a God who hears our prayers; we praise you that you, though you are sovereign, you choose to use the prayers of your people to bring about your plans. So we pray. We pray for Christians around the world suffering persecution simply because they take the name of Jesus. We pray for the new believers in Liberia facing persecution from family members. We pray for pastor Yuri Park as he sits in prison for false charges. Bring justice, Lord. We pray for the underground church in China – make it flourish all the more.

Lord, we praise you that we find ourselves in a country with religious freedom. Cause us to realize the preciousness of this liberty. Do not allow us to become complacent and presumptive. By your grace, cause us to use this freedom to boldly live for Christ Jesus in every part of our lives faithfully proclaiming the excellencies of him who called us out of darkness into his marvelous light.

We praise you Lord that we live in a country that has a democratic process. We praise you that citizens in this country get to vote and voice their opinions. We pray for Venezuela – restore democracy there Lord. We pray for stability and peace in Syria and Somalia. We pray for justice to flourish in North Korea and Sudan. We pray for the government of this country, the United States. In these last days, we pray that you would grant President Barrack Obama much wisdom. We ask as newly elected officials transition in at local, state and national levels they would be mindful of their call to govern justly, upholding the God-given dignity of all people. We pray this for President-elect Donald Trump. That he would surround himself with those who will help him lead with justice and wisdom, that he would govern and advocate for laws that allow all people, all races, all socioeconomic statuses, all genders to flourish as your image bearers.

Father, above all, by your Spirit, fix our gaze on Jesus, and fuel our trust in you. Keep us perpetually aware of the warm-seated throne of heaven. We praise you that Jesus is the King of kings and the Lord of lord – and no earthly election can or ever will change that reality.

We thank you this day for the veterans of this country and those around the world who have served on the front lines to promote justice and peace. We thank you for J who served decades in the military and now serves those still enlisted. We thank you for Pillar Church that has a specific ministry to those in the Marines striving to bring the hope and peace for the gospel to marines around the world. We thank you for the Southern Baptist Convention and their ministry to resource all branches of the military with chaplains.

Father, your word tells us our main fight is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. So we pray for our brothers and sisters on the frontlines battling this darkness in unreached places. We pray for A as she labors to bring the gospel to refugees in the Middle East. We pray for R and E as they seek to bring the light of Jesus to the Middle East. We pray for the International Mission Board as they seek to resource missionaries all over this world. Raise up men and women from this congregation Lord, to take the hope of the gospel to the ends of the earth.

We praise you for this message of hope that forgives and frees sinners, of whom we are the foremost. As we pray for others, we confess our own sins. Most merciful God, we confess that we have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done, and by what we have left undone. We have not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbors as ourselves. We have been angry and greedy. We have pursued romantic immorality and been self-righteous. We have gossiped and slandered. We are truly sorry and we humbly repent, for the sake of your Son Jesus Christ, have mercy on us and forgive us; that we may delight in the supremacy of Christ to the glory of your holy Name.

Refresh those of us who are weary. Comfort those of us who hurting this morning. Draw near to those of us who feel you are far off. Grant wisdom to the confused. Spur on the faithful. Stir the affections of those who find you dull and boring. Work in this place this morning. Do it for the glory of your name and the eternal joy of your people.
