Worship through Prayer

Father, we come to you in the name of Jesus this morning. We come as your adopted sons and daughters resting in your presence, rejoicing in your grace. We pray for those impacted by hurricane Matthew. Comfort those who have lost loved ones; give strength to those who will have to rebuild homes and parts of their lives. We pray for Haiti, Cuba, the Bahamas, the Dominican Republic and the states along the US coast. Grant first responders wisdom and grace and energy to serve and protect. We praise you for technology that allows us to foresee these types of events coming and minimize the damage that results.

Holy Lord, this morning we pray for the government of the United States. Grant our lawmakers and elected officials wisdom. Surround these men and women with people of upright character and sound judgment. Help our lawmakers not seek personal agendas or political maneuvering, but seek to help those whom they serve flourish. Grant President Obama wisdom these last days in office. As we enter an election, give us the ability to respect those with whom we may disagree. Keep us from hoping in a political party or specific candidate – cause our ultimate hope and rest be in the King of King and Lord of Lord, Jesus Christ.

We thank you Lord that Restoration Church labors alongside many other gospel churches in Washington DC. We ask your blessing upon Capitol Hill Baptist and Grace DC and Redemption Hill. Use The District Church and NCC to advance your gospel. Grant grace to Redeemer City and Waterfront Church and All Nations DC. Use the ministries of Campus Outreach, Chi Alpha, CRU and Intervarsity to reach students with the good news of Jesus.

Use each of us Lord. Use us to see others comes to faith in Christ. Give us such a deep love of Jesus it’s natural for us to tell others about his saving work and life-giving resurrection. Grant us opportunities to clearly proclaim the gospel. Holy Spirit, give us a sweet mixture of boldness and humility, conviction and kindness, toughness and tenderness. Use us Lord to make disciples that delight in the supremacy of Jesus Christ. It’s in his name we pray. Amen.