Worship Through Prayer

God, you are indeed King forever! The matchless King who is our Redeemer. We exalt your great name. Today we turn to you, our Father, and give you praise for your unconditional love. While we were still sinners, you sent your Son to die for us that we might be saved. Thank you for the cross and its saving power.

Today we turn to you still mindful of a great tragedy in our country a week ago. We continue to pray for the families of victims and those wounded in the Orlando shootings last week. May you grant respite to grieving families, and may you comfort those hurting and bring healing. We pray that you would move in the hearts of those affected by this shooting. May you also give us deep wells of sympathy for those around the world struck by tragedy.

We needn’t turn far to see that the world is a broken place. The world is not as it should be! Sin came into the world and ruined our hearts. Many are weak, many are hungry, and many are sick. We are lost, fearful, and condemned. Our bodies are frail, and our home here only temporary. But you give us hope! You give us strength and allow us to find rest. You offer us grace, and the promise of being raised to be a new creation! Through Jesus, we are saved! We praise you for this redemption, and healing our souls.

God, today on Father’s Day, we pray a special prayer for the fatherless. Your design is that everyone should have a family, but sadly this is not so. We know the effects not having a father can have. For those here who don’t, grant them an extraordinary dosage of your grace and strength. Provide your arms of love and a shoulder to lean on where there is not one. Remind us all that you are the perfect Father. The one we can turn to no matter what, no matter what we’ve done or where we’ve been. No matter how wretched we may feel. You offer us unconditional love, and acceptance no matter what. Thank you for this love, and the assurance and comfort it brings.

And we thank you for the fathers here on earth who give us a glimpse of what this soul-filling love can be. Thank you for all the dads here, and may they love their children unconditionally. May they show wisdom and discretion in raising their children, and grace when needed. Thank you for all of our fathers, wherever they may be, and may you make this day special for each. Give us the right words and actions to show the love we have for our fathers today and every day.

Some of us on Father’s Day may also be mourning a father who has died. Give comfort to those who have experienced this loss. May this day be a chance to remember the great times shared.

And as well, there are those who are experiencing a tough time with their fathers. May you soften peoples’ hearts, grant them grace, and allow your love to flow through them to heal relationships. It is hard to forgive when we have been wounded. But grant us the power to offer unconditional forgiveness. Let us not hold grudges, but seek reconciliation. May you grant peace to the broken.And again remind them, and all of us, that you are our Father in heaven.

This weekend marks the beginning of summer for many here, with the last week of school passed. We pray this morning that you would use this summer to grow each of us in our faith. May our summer be marked by spiritual growth and not frivolity. Give each of us safe travels if we’re traveling. And allow us times of rejuvenation. Give rest to those of us who need it. We thank you for the summer.

We pray all these things in the name of your Son Jesus. Amen.