Worship Through Prayer

Lord, we praise you that you are a God who answers prayer, and that you saw fit to work through us for your glory among the Spanish-speaking residents of Columbia Heights. When we first began praying for the opportunity to plant a Spanish-speaking church in Columbia Heights, we were barely off the ground as a church plant ourselves, and so we know that it was your power and not our own that has brought the Moleros to DC. They are an answer to our prayers that we have been praying for many years, and we praise you for granting our request to bring us a man equipped to minister to our Spanish speaking neighbors.

We are reminded of the words of the Psalmist, who said:

I give you thanks, O Lord, with my whole heart before the gods I sing your praise; I bow down toward your holy temple  and give thanks to your name for your steadfast love and your faithfulness, for you have exalted above all things your name and your word. On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased.

Lord, we trust that having answered our years of prayer and having provided a man to pastor this church plant that you would use his ministry for Your glory. We pray that you would even now be preparing the hearts of those in Columbia Heights that you have for him to minister to, and we pray that you would provide fruit. We know that neither Alejandro, nor Restoration Church has the power to save. That is yours alone, and we pray that you would use our efforts to further your Kingdom.

We know, Lord, that moving to a new country can be a challenging time and we pray that you would provide for the Molero family as they adjust to life here in Washington, DC. We praise you for the many ways you have already provided for their practical needs, such as a Visa and housing, and we pray that you would continue to provide for them in practical ways, and enable us in Restoration Church to serve them well, particularly in the next few months as they adjust to their new home.

We pray that your peace would be upon them in this time of transition and when they are worried, or homesick, or wondering whether leaving their home and moving to a new country for you was worth it, that you would comfort them and bless them, and draw them into deeper communion with you.

We thank you for your provision for them so far, in bringing them safely here to us, and we pray for your continued help and guidance as we embark with them upon the task ahead of bringing glory to your name among Spanish-speaking men and women in Columbia Heights. We pray that you would keep us focused on your Kingdom, and on the cross of Christ and shepherd us well as our ultimate pastor. We know that we cannot achieve anything apart from you, and we pray that Your will be done in Columbia Heights, in Tenleytown, in Washington DC, and beyond. In Jesus name, amen.