Worship through Prayer

Life-giving God, we praise you this morning. We praise you that you took death and made it a footstool to eternal life. We praise you that in your sovereign goodness you took the tomb of Jesus and made it a life-giving womb for all those who trust in him. He has risen, he has risen indeed!

Lord Jesus, we praise you. We praise you that your rose from the dead to give us eternal life. We praise you that you rose from the dead to defeat the rule of sin. We praise you that you rose from the dead to set creation free from it’s bondage. We praise you that you rose from the dead to guarantee our future resurrection. We praise you that your rose from the dead to fulfill the Scriptures. We praise you that you rose from the dead to intercede for us at God’s right hand. We praise you that you rose from the dead to conquer Satan. We praise you that you rose from the dead to give us a living hope. We praise you that you rose from the dead to show the splendor of God’s glory.

So we sing. Forever you are glorified. Forever you are lifted high. You are risen, you are alive. We arise this morning and we run to Christ Jesus. You will embrace us in your arms. In the arms of our dear Savior, there ten thousand charms. Yes, Lord we sing. Come, ye thirsty, come, and welcome, God’s free bounty glorify; True belief and true repentance, Every grace that brings you nigh. We sing praises for you have overcome our sin. You have overcome death. “’Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory?

O death, where is your sting?’ The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Remind us this morning that our sin is no match for your grace. As the sun swallows up a the light of a candle, your grace swallows up our sin. Holy Spirit, cause us to rejoice in all that we have in Jesus. Sever the root of sin deep within out soul that so entangles our heart. Show us the greater joy, the greater satisfaction found in Jesus. We humbly repent for the ways we have sinned against you God. We confess our sin in not loving our neighbor as ourselves. We confess we lack the compassion we expect to receive from others. We slander others to make ourselves look better. We speak lies to lessen our wrong. We confess our sin.

But we don’t stop there. We look to our Savior, who died for us on an old rugged cross; nailed to a tree, suffering under the weight of our sin and rebellion; he we crushed that we might be enjoy you forever. We look to our Risen Lord who brings us joy and life. Holy Spirit, for every one look at our sin, cause us to take 10, 100 looks at Christ Jesus. Help us savor the sweetness of Christ. Holy Spirit, testify to our spirits that we are children of God. Move us to cry out, “Abba, Father” knowing that in Christ you are not just our distant judge, but you are our devoted Father.

We pray for the brokenness of our world this morning. Father, we are overwhelmed by the magnitude and regularity of the heinous acts that are carried out around the globe. We think of Paris. We think of Brussels. We think of the slaughtering of Christians and Yazidis. We think of the violence in Syria, and tensions with N. Korea. We think of the racism and injustices right here in our own land. We think of the victims of sex-slave trafficking, of abortion, of those who have been grievously sinned against and taken advantage of by a boy friend or girlfriend or boss or teacher. Bring an end to this destruction. Heal our world. You, the God of peace, we plead with you to usher in peace.

And as we look at an empty tomb this morning, we know that’s our guarantee such a world will come. All things will be made right; all things will be made new. Birth in us a deep hope in heaven; an unwavering confidence to face whatever the world might bring because we know the best is yet to come. And use us Lord. Use us to be bringers of good news and peace. Use Restoration Church to care for orphans and the widowed. Use us to mentor those in foster care and to seek the good of our community. Use us to bring the good news of Jesus to our neighbors and co-workers and family and friends. Use us to bring hope to those who are ashamed pointing them to Jesus who washes us clean.

Let the radiant beauty of the cross and empty tomb overcome our every sorrow, sustain us in hardships, and spur us on all the more when we are encouraged. Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia! Love’s redeeming work is done, Alleluia! Fought the fight, the battle won, Alleluia! Death in vain forbids him rise…Christ has opened paradise, Alleluia! Holy Lord, we praise you this Easter morning. Amen.