Worship through Prayer

Father, we come to you this morning in the name of your eternal Son, Jesus Christ. We come relying on the aid of the Holy Spirit who gives us life. We come with boldness and confidence knowing you are a God who hears and answers prayers. We come worshipping you in all your goodness. One thing we ask this morning Lord, that we may gaze upon your beauty. Help us to see and savor you; to taste your goodness and treasure who you are.

We are so thankful for the many ways you are working in the life of Restoration Church. We praise you for our sister, Brandi. We praise you for the nearly 5 years she has invested into the life of our church. What a joy it has been to serve alongside of her. Thank you. We ask that your grace would be upon her and Tim as they prepare for marriage. Use their marriage to magnify the gospel of our Lord.

We praise you for the ways you have grown Restoration Kids. What a joy it is to have dozen of little ones here each Sunday. Teach us to enjoy life and laughter and fun as they enjoy life. Teach them what it means to be a follower of Jesus. Thank you for all the men and women who selflessly serve as teachers in Restoration Kids. For the glory of your name, Lord, continue to bring us more families and more children that we might make disciples of all ages.

We praise you this morning for other faithful, Christ-exalting churches in our city. Use Capitol Hill Baptist and Redeemer Arlington and 4th Presbyterian and Pillar DC to boldly preach the gospel. We praise you that visas for the Molero family have been issued. Give us wisdom and favor as they come here to plant a Spanish-speaking church in Columbia Heights. Go before us Lord; prepare the way, and raise up a Spanish-speaking church that makes disciples and plants other churches. Do this Lord, for the glory of your name.

We praise you for your Word this morning Lord. Thank you for the Bible. Thank you for revealing yourself to us in the beauty of your word. As we read the Word individually and corporately, fill us with the Holy Spirit and open our eyes that we might behold wondrous things out of your law. We praise you this morning for the gift of music. Thank you for giving us many men and women who are gifted musically to serve our church. Thank you for our brother Daniel who labors weekly to help us sing of the glories of Christ Jesus. Thank you for Matt and Erin and Will and Ben others who labor behind the scenes making sure we can hear and see the words and lyrics. Use our singing Lord to stir our affections for you and to encourage each other.

Father, we think of our brothers and sisters around the world this morning. We think of those singing in small churches in Africa and Haiti. We think of those signing of your goodness while in prison and suffering persecution in Iraq and N. Korea. We think of R&E as they labor to bring the gospel to Ks. Hallow your name Lord. Raise up believers from the Ks. Get the Bible into Behdini we pray. Send people from this church short-term and long-term to labor among the Ks that we might see disciples made and churches planted for the glory of Christ. Yes Lord, use the resources and people of this church to help get the gospel to those who have never heard.

Lord, we are so grateful, that in your grace, you have brought the gospel to us. Thank you for giving us the grace to hear of the goodness of your name; to hear of the salvation and satisfaction found in Christ Jesus. Thank you for revealing our sin to us. We confess that we have rebelled against you. We confess that we have lied. We confess that we acted of our pride this past week. Forgive us Lord. We confess that we hold grudges and refuse to forgive. We confess that we find you dull and boring. We confess that we often find security in our possession or in money. Forgive us Lord. We confess that we have disciplined our children out of self-righteous anger. We confess our immorality. Forgive us Lord.

We praise you that in Christ Jesus we are fully and freely forgiven of our transgressions. Praise be to the Lamb who was slain in our place that we might enjoy reconciliation with you, our Father in heaven. Help us to live as redeemed sons and daughters. Holy Spirit, help us to enjoy life fully by living a life of worshipful obedience. We look to you this morning, God. We look to you in all your holiness and splendor and goodness. Holy Spirit, this morning we ask you to comfort the hurting, drawback the wayward, encourage the weary, spur on the faithful, save the lost. Do this we ask, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.