Worship through Prayer

Heavenly Father, as we just sang moments ago, we behold your greatness; your people gather together in adoration of you; we marvel at the works of your hands; we delight in you because nothing can compare. Father God, yours is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, because all of your creation found here on this earth and in the expanses of the universe is yours. Yours is the kingdom, and you are exalted as head above all. Both riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all. You hold all power and might, and it is by your hands that all are made great and given strength. 

But we again, confess, that we have not loved you with all of our hearts, souls, mind, and strength. Although we say with our lips that there is no other name under heaven by which we can be saved but your son Christ Jesus, we often look to other people and things to give us comfort and joy. Some of us look to our spouses, our children, our careers, our possessions, our academic degrees, our intelligence, our wealth, and other things as our identities and the source of our confidence and joys. Although we acknowledge that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, we often look for convenient shortcuts that meet our busy schedules; we check the boxes in our devotions or Bible readings rather than meditating on the rich life giving words you desire to nourish our souls with; instead of obedience to your Word, we look to ourselves to reason out truths that make us feel better about ourselves when we fail; we fail to look to your life giving grace, given to us through Jesus Christ on that cross, and instead try to win you over with a checklist of works. 

But, Father, you know the condition of our hearts, the sins that we wrestle with day in and day out.  We are so grateful to you, faithful God, for knowing us better than we know ourselves; rather than leaving us up to our futile vices, you took action and brought us back to you through your redeeming grace. Thank you, Father God, for deeming us as your chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, and a people you call your own. Thank you, Father God, for building your church upon which Christ Jesus is the cornerstone, which can never be shaken. Thank you for the faithful members of this church, who, by your grace, exemplify love, joy, serving hearts, and humility. We thank you for our pastors and elders who love Jesus and faithfully preach the Gospel. We thank you for our sister churches, here in DC, who are gathered together to worship to you; thank you for their leaders who delight in Christ and proclaim the saving and amazing grace. We pray for Temple Hills Baptist, Redemption Hill, Fourth Presbyterian, Capitol Hill Baptist, Church of the Advent, Iglesia Biblica Sublime Gracia, Anacostia River. We pray that your Spirit would empower them to find the joy in spreading the Good News across D.C., Maryland, and Virginia, and beyond. That you would fill them with wisdom in your Word and the love that abounds more and more with knowledge and discernment.

We also pray for all the authorities that you have placed over us, Lord God. Whether it is President Maduro during the political unrest in Venezuela or President Trump during this time of negotiations, we pray that you would move hearts of these authorities to know your righteousness, your mercy, and your justice.  We pray for those affected by the government shutdown, that your church would shine the light of Christ for those who may be in a time of darkness.  We pray for our governments to work for your people and not their own interests and gain. We also pray for protection of all image bearers, Father God, which you gave to all humankind (those who are citizens, those who are immigrants, those in the womb and those outside of it). We pray that authorities would recognize the dignity of your wondrous works when you created man and woman.

Thank you, Lord, showing us mercy through your son Jesus Christ, who you exalted, so that those who turn to him would know and confess that he is Lord of all and that our hopes would not be of this world, but He ushers in with all of his fame and glory. We love you God, thank you for Jesus your son, and the guidance of your Holy Spirit. We pray these things in Jesus Christ’s name, amen.