Worship through Prayer

Heavenly Father,

During this season when we remember the birth of Christ, we are reminded that his birth came as the fulfillment of promises that you had made centuries before.

We say we’ll do things, and though we are well intentioned, we often fail to keep our promises. You Father are entirely different to us – you do everything that you say you will do. Your promises are sure and certain, a solid foundation that we can base our lives upon and upon which we place our hope for the future.

Matthew tells us that Jesus is the Son of David and the Son of Abraham.

As the Son of Abraham, he came as the promised descendant through whom all the nations will be blessed. He was born to die, to be cursed that we might be blessed. In Christ, the blessing of Abraham comes to us who believe, – so that we might receive the promised Spirit through faith in him. Through Jesus we are made sons of Abraham – and heirs of the promise of your blessing for now and for eternity.

We confess that, though we know that we are blessed in Christ, we often look for blessing and hope in other places. We so often believe the lie that possessions and experiences will fulfil us. Forgive us Lord.

This Christmas, help us to be still and reflect upon the blessings that we have in Christ. We are blessed in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing – in Christ. Cause us to understand this better and experience your love we pray. Cause us to experience your preciousness.

As the Son of David, Jesus came to claim the crown of a kingdom that would have no limits of time or space. A dominion and rule magnificent and awe inspiring. The kings of israel failed to be the righteous kings they should have been – but Christ came as the truly perfect righteous king. Shrouded to many the guise of an ordinary, humble man. He was a king who rode a donkey and willingly wore a crown of thorns – for our sake. But – the king who was declared with power to be Son of God through his resurrection from the dead. And who has been given power and glory. The King of kings and Lord of lords. As did the shepherds and wise men; we worship you this morning.

We confess that we don’t think enough about your Kingdom and rule. We are often casual about submitting to you in obedience. Our own way often seems more appealing to us because it appears to yield more immediate rewards. Forgive us Lord. Help us to remember the kind of King you are; powerful yet humble and patient, righteous and yet full of grace. Grow us in joyful obedience knowing that your yoke is easy and your burden is light.

As many of us spend time with family and friends this week, we ask that we would be reflecting the Christmas spirit of Christ denying and humbling himself for others. Help us prefer the needs of others above our own. May our conversation be full of grace – and give us opportunities to speak about the hope we have in Christ.

The things you permit in your sovereignty are sometimes mysterious to us. This morning we pray for the people of Indonesia affected by last night’s tsunami. Comfort those who mourn. Help rescuers find and save people. May your church display the love of Christ in the midst of loss and despair.

As we near the close of another year, we give thanks to you for many answered prayers. We thank you for the continued gospel witness of Restoration Church; for the many ways we’ve been taught from your word, worshipped with your people, been encouraged by the community of believers. For 2019 we pray for an increased culture of us discipling one another. Help us all, to be deliberate in spending time with one another for each other’s spiritual benefit. May our conversations be increasingly helpful for building one another up according to our many needs. Help us to be mindful of visitors; may restoration church continue to be a welcoming place for those who are new. And Father we pray for the children in our midst; we pray that RC may be a compelling community for our children  that models and instructs them in what it means to be a follower of Christ.

We ask all these things in Christ’s name, Amen.