Worship through Prayer

Glorious God, we rejoice in all that we have in you. Father, Son, and Spirit, we praise your holy name. How marvelous you are! How astounding is your grace.

For the glory of Christ Jesus continue building up the body of Christ here at Restoration Church into the fullness of Jesus. Give us the grace to use our words in such a way that we build each other up. Give us words to comfort the broken, and counsel the confused, to encourage the weary. Holy Spirit, fill us with timely truths from Scripture that we might continually speak God’s word to each other. We pray that each one of us would be marked by gentleness and humility. When we sin against each other, let us be quick to seek forgiveness. When we are sinned against, even by a brother or sister inside this church family, let us be quick to extend the forgiveness that we enjoy from Jesus.

We pray for those of us this morning that have been hurt by others. Heal us with your grace. Surprise us with how the balm of the gospel brings warmth to our souls – even this morning. And, give us, Lord, give us the needed grace to extend mercy and grace to those who have hurt us.

We pray for those of us who are harboring bitterness – perhaps this is from being wronged and perhaps this is because of our own pride. Either way, give us the grace to put away malice and bitterness – not because we have to, but because in Christ Jesus we get to – this does not have to define and enslave us. Holy Spirit, increasingly conform us to the image of Jesus that we might see and savor him above all things.

We rejoice in the many ways you are using us to advance the gospel to our neighbors and the nations. We pray that many would come to faith in Jesus because of the ways you, O sovereign Lord, use us. This Advent season give us opportunities to talk about Jesus with family, friends, co-workers, classmates and neighbors. Let our speech be seasons with salt that we might help people understand the true, biblical Jesus and all the hope he offers. We pray for Campus Outreach – continue to use O, S, and L to make disciples at AU. Bless our brothers B at Chi Alpha and Andrew at CRU. Bless T as she continue to labor for Young Life here at WWHS.

For the glory of Christ, we also pray that you’d raise up more workers from this church to take the gospel to unreached places. Raise up men and women to join the gospel laborers in the Middle East. Use our church to continue supporting R&E, J&J, W&C as they labor for Jesus.

Lord, we pray for the persecuted church in China, Specifically we pray for the 100+ members of Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu. We pray for the pastor Wang Yi and his wife. We praise you for his bold testimony and unwavering commitment to preach the gospel of grace even when threatened. Holy Spirit, just as you did in Acts, use this persecution for the propagation of the gospel to many. O great God, for the glory of your name, advance the gospel far and wide until all peoples, tribes, nations and tongues here.

We pray this as we pray together:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For yours is the kingdom, and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen.