Worship through Prayer

Prayer of Lament

Psalm 13:1 How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me?

Psalm 38:9-10 O Lord, all my longing is before you; my sighing is not hidden from you. My heart throbs; my strength fails me, and the light of my eyes–it also has gone from me.

Almighty compassionate Father, in the name of Jesus, we come to you today with cries of lament and sighs of sorrow. Our hearts are troubled, our world is broken; we yearn for peace and flourishing, yet it so often feels so far away.

We feel the effects of death and disease as they assault our loved ones. At times we feel alone and isolated. God, we’re also exhausted by the physical, mental and emotional trials brought upon many of us. We think of those who are battling physical and mental illness, disease, and disability. We grieve the anxiety that ravages our lives, the darkness of depression that bleeds into every part of our soul, the highs and lows that destroy our relationships, all of it, makes us feel less than human.

And we confess that we often struggle to see you in the midst of these trials. Along with the Psalmist we confess our soul refuses to be comforted, our spirits faint in sorrow. How long, O Lord, until you return and wipe away every tear from our eyes?

How long, O Lord, until you return and put an end to all violence—whether it’s in the streets of Pakistan or the villages of Syria; whether it’s in a yoga studio in Tallahassee or a synagogue Pittsburgh? How long until there’s no more shootings based on skin color, no more violent threats based on political ideologies, no more persecution based on religion?

How long before there’s no more no more warring nations, no more ruthless dictators? How long, O Lord, before there’s no more assaults, no more abuses of power, no more trafficking of your image bearers? How long, O Lord, until there’s no more racism – both in our hearts and in our institutions? How long, O Lord, until there’s no more ending of life before birth? How long until there’s no more children in foster care? How long until there’s no more fights over immigration and debates over one ethnicities worth versus another?

We long, O Lord, to see all tribes, tongues, people and nations together forever. When will the dawn break on the Day of Jesus’ return to restore all things back to the way they are supposed to be, unbroken fellowship with you and each other on a renewed earth? We grieve today, but we grieve with hope because of Jesus. We have hope because sin is paid for, Satan is crushed, death is defeated. We have hope because you, O Lord, are forever faithful. So even in the midst of sorrow, we pray and sing and say, “It Is Well with our Soul.”

Prayer of Supplication 

Gracious God, we rejoice in your grace to us. We thank you for the many ways you are at work in and through our church family. Thank you for your grace that is growing D and H, F, T, and C into the image of Jesus Christ. Thank you for the grace that motivates the humble service of C&E, M&T, S, C, and so many others. Thank you, Lord, thank you for the unity we have in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit continue to knit our souls together that we might serve each other sacrificially, encourage each other regularly, speak to each other with kindness, and given generously.

Use our Community Groups as places where we help each other mature in Christ and mutually care for one another, both physically and spiritually. Give us the grace to be open and vulnerable with each other – bearing our sorrows, confessing our sins, applying the hope of the gospel to each other.

Thank you for the children of Restoration Church. For the glory of Christ, give us the wisdom and passion to disciple the youngest ones among us. Thank you for the many members who faithfully teach and care for our children each week.

We praise you that we have the joy of serving alongside other faithful churches here in DC. Bless the saints at Capitol Hill Baptist and 4thPresbyterian. Build up our brothers and sisters at Grace DC, Redemption Hill, Redeemer Arlington, Rock Creek Church and Church of the Advent. We pray for our bother J as he perseveres in the hard work of planting Mercy of Christ Fellowship. Bring him more laborers; bring him men to serve as elders alongside of him. Bring him men and women to serve as deacons and every day disciplers. For the glory of Christ advance the gospel NE DC.

And advance your gospel among the Middle East. Sovereign Lord, we plead for the full and complete and accurate translation of the Bible into Behdini. Grant grace to Mike and E&J and so many others as they labor for this eternally important work. We pray for R&E. Surprise them with your grace and refresh them during their last two months stateside. We pray for J, J, W, C, K and L as they remain. Give them deep friendship with locals. Give them opportunities to explain the person and work of Jesus in a winsome way. Grant faith and repentance to many local people; raise up an indigenous church for the glory of Christ.

This morning, Holy Spirit, as we turn our attention to Ephesians 3, open the eyes of our hearts that we might behold wondrous things from the Word. Because we do not live by bread alone, but by every word from the mouth of God, we ask that you would feed our souls with morning with the soul-satisfying, joy-producing, feast of Christ Jesus. Grant our brother Nathan grace as he preaches your word to us.

We pray all of this in the name of Jesus. Amen.