Worship through Prayer

Most Gracious Heavenly Father, Holy is Your Name. You are worthy to receive the praises of ten thousand angels…nothing and no one is more worthy of praise, glory, and honor, than you. How foolish we are to chase after vain idols when we have been given access to your throne room by the blood of your Exalted Son!

We praise you for the Sun, the Moon, the Sky, and the Sea. We praise you for the air that we breathe, the food that we eat, the friendships we enjoy, the homes we live in, the clothes we wear, and the church we enjoy here…oh, how Good you are to us, God! And what have we done to receive such good gifts? Nothing…indeed, we have rebelled against you this past week in a hundred ways.

Forgive us, Lord for the ways in which we have done so. Forgive us for our prayerlessness. The ways we hardly acknowledge you and go about our days in our own strength…thinking, or at least functioning as if we don’t need you when we know, as your Son tells us…we can do nothing apart from you.

Forgive us for the ways we have not redeemed the time you have given us. From sleeping too long, to watching too much of our Screens, we have neglected to serve you and our fellow man in the name and love of Jesus. God grant us mercy filled with a heart of love in order that we would properly prioritize our days in being effective for your Glory and Your Renown! Cause us to be mindful of the heavenly city for which we are bound and lead us to do good to others as we make our way there.

Forgive us Lord for the ways in which we do not rest and consider the splendor of your grandeur. We so rarely sit in silence and consider your magnificent ways in the world and we so often hurry about with cluttered minds that are so full of the world that we live with empty tanks that operate off the fumes of past grace. Lord, grant us the grace of stillness and wonder…even on this Lords day.

Move us into the rhythms of your grace, Father. Teach us what it means to number our days in order that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Show us how to live under your authority and not be exasperated but liberated…free, to live in light of your love to us. Show us what that looks like and fill our lives up with others that will model such a lifestyle.

Fill our lives up with older saints that have walked the path of righteousness for decades. Bring us older men/women…older godly couples that can model for us what it is to make the most of our final days on this earth…that model what it is to seek the lasting city that is to come.

Cause this church to be full of a people from different ethnicities, races, socio economic back grounds, and ages that are united by the love of Jesus Christ…let it be known in NW DC that Restoration Church is bound together by our King…and let it be known that He is the reason we gather and He is the reason we scatter!

And as we scatter to our neighborhoods and nations, may we go, making disciples and through Christ, bringing Restoration to all that come into our path. May we be your hands and feet, Lord Jesus.

May L. S. be your hands and feet as she serves the broken in Nepal. May the numerous doctors in our congregation that work at the NIH labor to use their gifts to bring about healing in our world. May those who serve in our countries military serve understanding their Commander is Christ…and may the Mothers who tirelessly labor to make disciples of their children find great encouragement today. May all of us be reminded of the thousands of ways our Moms extended a thousand mercies to us and continue to do so…Father, thank you for Mothers…oh, God, where would we be without them? It is an evidence of your Wisdom that you grant such grace to us in them.

For those that long to have children, but as yet do not have them. God would you grant them a special measure of your grace today…remind them that they are in no way inferior…but instead are a champion of your grace and are worthy to receive the blessing of the Kingdom.

For those who have been scarred by past decisions regarding pregnancy, God grant them a kind of peace in Christ Jesus that can only be understood by those who have received the grace of forgiveness.

For us all…as we celebrate this mothers day…let us be reminded of your Wife, the church…who has fostered the care of millions upon millions of your sons and daughters…God thank you for the church…she has proven to be water for thirsty souls…food for the hungry and rest for the weary. I pray that this church would continue the legacy of pointing people back to the Greatness of Christ for a thousand generations or until your Son returns.

Thank you, God for the wonder of your love…that you would love your own with the same love as you did your Son is something we should never get over…it should define us and propel us towards you and towards others…so, may it be…may we be champions…Ambassadors of your Love forever and ever.

We only ask you this morning, Lord that you would fill us up with your righteousness as we worship you this morning in spirit and in truth.