Worship through Prayer

Father, we stand in awestruck wonder before your holiness this morning. Thank you for the abundant grace you have shown us in Christ Jesus. Father, we rejoice in thanksgiving this today as we remember you steadfast love. In times of our wandering, you have been faithful to shepherd us back to you and to your church. We praise you Father, the God of perfect justice who seeks justice that rolls down like mighty waters. Thank you for the ever-flowing righteousness of Christ through whom you have shown us mercy upon mercy. Father, you are holy. You are are mighty. You are abundantly good. Great is your name and greatly to be praised. Amen.

Have mercy on us, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy blot out our transgressions. Wash us thoroughly from our iniquity and cleanse us from our sin. Open our eyes so we can see our sins clearly, so we can realize that our sins are against you and you alone. We confess our pride in thinking that we know better than you. We believe our ways are the best ways, instead of trusting in your ways, your merciful and gracious plans for our lives. We confess that we believe we deserve your mercy and grace in salvation of our lives because of our good deeds and actions instead of recognizing the depths of our own sin and depravity. Forgive us for seeking to build our own kingdoms rather than seeking to build your kingdom. It is only through your grace on our lives that saves us and continues to change us to become more and more like Christ, day by day. There is nothing good within ourselves or in our actions apart from the fruit of the Holy Spirit because we are sinful from birth, even from the moment of conception. Only if you purge us and wash us shall we be clean and whiter than snow. Hide your face from our sins and blot out our iniquities. Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us. Cast us not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from us. Restore to us the joy of your salvation and uphold us with a willing spirit. Thank you for drawing us to yourself and for forgiving our sins through Jesus’ death and resurrection. Thank you for the Holy Spirit living in us as our helper and for promising to transform us into your likeness as we behold your glory.

Father, we come to you this morning pleading with you to hallow your great name. Cause your name to be treasured, cherished, revered, honored, esteemed, respected and admired. Yes, Lord God Almighty, fill the world with your glory; magnify the beauty, person, work and worth of Jesus Christ.

From the poor in Bangladesh to the rich in Los Angles exalt the Lord Jesus Christ. Advance the gospel in and through the half-million Bania people of India and the Chhetri in Bhutan. Raise up men and women from this church to take your gospel message to those who have never heard the gospel message.

We also pray that you would save our enemies. We pray that your glory would overwhelm the leaders and members of ISIS, Al Queda, and Boko Haram. All powerful Lord, you have the power bind the dark spiritual forces at work, and we ask that you will. We ask that you would not just restrain evil, but save these men and women and use them to advance your gospel. Just like you did with the apostle Paul, take great church persecutors and turn them into great church planters.

We pray for peace in places like Syria and Central African Republic. By your sovereign rule, establish stable governments that enforce laws without partiality. We pray for peace and comfort in Nepal. By your gracious aid, keep humanitarian aid workers safe, and provide material goods to meet the physical needs of the hurting. Father, we also pray for the events unfolding in Baltimore. We pray, in the name of Jesus, for the end of racism and ethnic hatred. Give government officials and police officers and first responders wisdom and impartiality to faithfully perform their duties. Give citizens a deep longing for reconciliation and help them pursue peaceful means to bring about that reconciliation. We pray for our brother Joel as he labors to pastor in the midst of this turmoil. Use The Garden Church to be a beacon of gospel hope in the midst of such a trying and troubling situation.

Father, we pray for our church; that we too would be a place of hope and healing; a place that takes sin seriously, but always in light of our great Savior Jesus Christ. Give us a deep and abiding love for one another; grant us Spirit-filled unity; make us eager to serve our church body. Display your manifold wisdom as we speak and live out the gospel in front of a watching world.

We pray all of this in the all-supreme, all-sufficient name of Jesus Christ. Amen.