Worship through Prayer

Father, we come to you this morning in the name of your eternal Son, We praise you for Sublime Gracia. Give them much grace and fruit these early days of ministry. We praise you for Campus Outreach. Continue to use O and S and other Restoration members to advance to the gospel. We praise you for DC127 and the Central Union Mission. Use the people in these organizations to help care for the impoverished and marginalized. We pray your gospel advances among refugees in Jordan and Greece. Raise up an indigenous church among Muslims in Iraq. Grant the gospel laborers there much grace, wisdom, discernment and rest in Christ.

Lord, we praise you for all that you have done in and through Restoration Church. Grant each member of this church a deep and growing love for Jesus. Grow not just our obedience but our affections, our delight, our joy in knowing Christ. For the glory of your name, give us the humility to put personal preferences below gospel priority. Use our Community Groups as places where we mutually care for each other, physically and spiritually. Holy Spirit, for the witness and exaltation of Jesus, help us foster and cultivate unity in all our diversity.

Father, we thank you for the birth of A. May your grace be upon D and M as they learn the sanctifying joys of parenting. We pray for the many others expecting a child in the coming days or months. Use this church body to care for families and to raise children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Father, we pray for those here this morning who long to be married, or those here who long to have children. Remind us of your goodness even when you don’t give us what we want. Keep us from doubting you and denying you. Holy Spirit, press upon our soul the eternal joys that await us even if that means our immediate desires are never met.

Lord, we thank you for your gospel work at Redeemer City and Mercy of Christ Fellowship and Del Ray Baptist. Sustain their pastors and their work of preaching the Word. Use them Lord to advance the good news of Jesus and give them the joy of seeing more conversions.

We pray for all the other churches in and around this city where the gospel is faithfully preached and practiced. Grow these churches in conformity to your word that they might enjoy Christ. Father, we pray for the gatherings in church buildings in our city today where the gospel was once preached but now it’s denied–either explicitly or functionally. Bring repentance to the pastors and parishioners. Lord, have mercy on them and compel them to preach your gospel once more.

Holy Lord, we praise you for your word. As Nathan preaches Judges 6 this morning, convict us, encourage us, and shape us. Heighten our understanding of the destruction of sinful rebellion. Deepen our joy in our Savior, Jesus Christ. Remind us of your past grace that we might trust in future grace, all while longing and looking forward to the eternal grace of heaven. We pray all of this in the name of Jesus. Amen.