Worship through Prayer

Immortal God, we come to you and worship this morning. You are the all-powerful Creator; you have created all things and you sustain all thing. You have revealed your glory and majestic power in the world all around us. Your holiness and power are made clear to us in your providential care for everything you made, including us. We cry out with the host of heaven, “Great and amazing are your deeds, O Lord God Almighty! Just and true are your ways, O King of the nations!” We join our hearts together this morning and give you the praise, honor and glory you are due.

Heavenly Father, we come to you in the name of Jesus Christ, our risen Lord. Like Peter we run to an empty tomb this morning marveling at what has happened. Can it be that Jesus crucified has now raised again to life? Yes, it must be for there’s no other way to be reconciled back to you. Hallelujah, we praise your name this morning. For you sent your eternal Son Jesus on a rescue mission to redeem us wayward sinners. You are a God of Love – and in this is love, not that we have loved you but that you loved us and sent your Son to be the Satan-defeated, sin-paying, wrath absorbing sacrifice for our sins. And this morning our eyes move from a bloody cross to an empty tomb; once condemned now freed; once broken by our sin now we are bought out from slavery too it; once confined to darkness, now living in the light of the world.

Yes, Lord we worship you this morning. And we come confessing our sins against you. We confess that we are people who do not always trust you. We are stubborn and rebellious, habitually unwilling to hear your loving instruction. We have trusted in our desires for physical and emotional comfort; we trust in approval from others; we look for happiness in health, wealth, success or sexual relationships. We have abused food, drinks, even other people to try to bring us peace. We often do not return to you; we frequently do not rest in you; we demand things from others we are unwilling do to for ourselves; we refuse to treat others the way we desire to be treated. Forgive us Lord. We trust not in our ability to make ourselves favorable in your sight; we trust in Christ alone; we trust in his atoning work on the cross; and we know this work is completely and sufficient because he rose from the grave. Christ is risen, he is risen indeed!

We praise you for our brothers and sisters around this city celebrating this same truth this morning. We thank you for Washington International Church and 4th Presbyterian and All Nations DC. As they worship you at this very moment, remind them of the greatness of this gospel news. We praise you for Capitol Hill Baptist and Grace DC and The District Church and Pillar DC. Use them to herald the excellencies of Christ Jesus this morning. And we pray for Anacostia River Church as they gather to worship this morning for the first time.

Lord, we also pray for our brothers and sisters around the globe this morning. From those worshiping in houses in China to those worshipping in dilapidated buildings in Haiti; from the churches gathered in Los Angeles to the few gathered believers in Duhok, Iraq, hallow your name Lord God Almighty. And we pray especially for our brothers and sisters in Kenya. We pray for the 100 plus families grieving from the loss of loved ones. We pray for those who survived but are forever scarred physical and emotionally. Give them grace this morning Lord; give them hope. As they celebrate the resurrection this morning, remind them that the best is yet to come; remind them of the day when there will be no more tears, suffering, or death. By your Holy Spirit cast their eyes toward heaven that they might wave this time of immense suffering.

Father, we pray for those who are responsible for this latest attack; we pray Al-Shabaab this morning. Would you not only restrain their evil, but would you save them? Would you grant them repentance of their sin and faith in Christ Jesus? On Easter morning, we pray for those who are against us. We pray for the men and women who are a part of the Taliban and ISIS. We pray that the evil they seek to accomplish would be restrained. We pray that your grace would be upon them and would save them from their sin. Forgive them Lord and use them to help humanity prosper not suffer. Radically change them and use them to advance peace, not destruction. Lead these men and women to the narrow gate of life, not the wide gate of destruction.

Lord, we thank you for all you’re doing in our church body. Holy Spirit continue to build us up in gospel unity. Help us be quick to forgive one another; give us the grace to put the gospel above our personal preferences. Help us to selflessly serve one another. We praise you for the children among us; give us the grace to love and serve them well that they might taste and see and trust the grace of Jesus Christ.

We praise you Lord for this Easter morning season. By your Spirit, help us marvel over the truth of an empty tomb. That Jesus, the Sovereign Lord crucified is now risen and seated at your right hand. Use the songs we sing this morning and the prayers we offer and the preaching we hear to remind us this great gospel that provides hope and joy forever more. It’s in the name of our risen King we pray, the name of Jesus. Amen.