Worship through Prayer

The Lord our God is holy and mighty; awesome in power, abundant in steadfast love. We praise you, our great triune God this morning. God the Father, we praise you for your sovereignty over all things. Jesus Christ, God’s eternal Son, we praise you this morning for you redeemed us from the depths of slavery to sin and give us deep, abiding joy. Holy Spirit, we praise you this morning for you seal us and secure us, guaranteeing the inheritance set before us. Infinitely glorious God, we gather here because you are worthy to be praised. Before all of a creation, you existed and need nothing outside of yourself. We praise you; you are truly indescribable. Turn our eyes to you this morning that we might behold you, our wonderful, supremely beautiful God.

As we sit here in this place, we are mindful of our brothers and sisters around the world being persecuted for their faith. We praise you for our brother Habila in Nigeria, who chose to be shot rather than deny Christ. Thank you for sparing his life that his testimony might serve to encourage others. We pray for our brothers and sisters in the Middle east facing attacks on their person and their possessions. As many of them flee their homes, remind them that Christ holds them fast. Use their zeal for the gospel to see others come to faith in Jesus. We pray especially for the Yezidi people; that you Lord God would comfort and encourage the Yezidi people amidst their heartbreaking genocide; that you would reveal yourself to them with dreams and visions; that you would burden missionaries to serve among the remaining Yezidis; that you would use our brothers and sisters already among these people to tell them about Jesus.

Father, we pray to you. We pray that your kingdom would come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We pray that would happen all around the world and right here in this place. We praise you for all that you’ve done in and through our church. For the glory of your name, would you continue to protect and promote the unity of our church body. That we would selflessly serve one another; that we would build each other up and encourage one another in the gospel; that we would be quick to forgive each other and forbear with each other. I praise you for our church Lord God. In the name of Jesus, I ask that you would use our ministry to see people come to faith in Jesus. Give each member opportunities to clearly explain the gospel to those around them. Use our gathered service to proclaim your word boldly and humbly. Father, for the fame of Jesus, give us the grace and mercy required to plant a Spanish speaking church in Columbia Heights. Yes, Lord, raise up a biblically faithful, Christ-exalting church in that part of our city that your name might be magnified.

I also pray for our Community Groups. Use them as a place where edifying discussions take place, where sin is regularly confessed, where the gospel is actively applied. Father, fill these groups members with the same love that you have for your Son, Jesus. In Christ Jesus, increase our love for one another that we might strive side by side for the faith of the gospel.

Father, as this nation faces an election day this Tuesday, we ask for wisdom and justice to abound. We pray for our president and all elected officials that as they are confronted with weighty and significant decisions, that you would give them wisdom and surround them with those who provide godly counsel.  We are mindful that there is no authority except that which is from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God; so we pray for government officials and leaders that they might image forth your just character; we also admit that our ultimate hope is not in government, but in the One who truly governs the world, Jesus Christ. Grant leaders around the world a sense of justice and peace that they might rule not with heavy hands and suppression, but by honoring you for you have appointed them to their place.

We praise you this morning Lord. Grow us in godliness, help us fight the sin in our lives; we confess the darkness in our lives we so often try to hide; we confess that we cannot hide from you; we confess our sin – our gossip, our sexual immorality, our greed, our drunkenness and drug use, our selfishness, our lack of trust in you.  We know that there is nothing we can do to earn your favor, but are wholly reliant upon your grace to bring us back to yourself. Thank you for Christ Jesus who lived, died and rose again that we might be reconciled back to you. By the power of your Spirit, transform us from one degree of glory to another.  And use the ministry of Restoration Church to see the gospel spread; to see those who do not treasure you now, come to delight in the person and work of Jesus through repentance and faith. Yes, Lord help us see and savor the Lord Jesus Christ in whose name I pray. Amen.