Worship through Prayer

Father, we know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted. So often we do not understand your purposes in the world and yet we are often quick to act/live/and speak as though we do.

We have not given any gifts to you that we should be repaid. We are not your counselor. We are the clay and you are the Potter. We have NO good apart from you…yes, Lord you are our chosen portion and our cup. You hold our lot…indeed, the lines have fallen for us in pleasant places.

You have made known to us the path of Life. You have set the Lord before us and we shall not be shaken! You are our Rock and our Fortress, our Deliverer, our God, our Rock in whom we take refuge. Our shield and the horn of our salvation. We call upon you, Lord, who is worthy to be praised. We bless your Holy Name.

We thank you Lord, that in prayer, you hear us in our distress. We thank you that in your Word we can see you and learn from you. We thank you that in Christ we can have peace, comfort, and rest for our souls. We thank you for the Church and Restoration Church, that you have provided for us a community that rallies around the Gospel and seeks to be the hands and feet of Christ to one another and the community of Tenleytown and DC as a whole.

You have provided for us, EVERY spiritual blessing in Christ Jesus the Lord. There is nothing that we lack…oh God, you are so generous to us….we give you praise.

We thank you for the health that we do have.

We thank you for the clothes on our backs and food in our stomachs.

We thank you for homes to live in and beds to sleep in.

We thank you for friends to enjoy life with one another.

We thank you for the Hope of the Gospel.

We thank you that in this world we may have trouble, but Christ has overcome the world.

We thank you that that is as true today as it will be 10,000 years from now

We thank you that Jesus promises us that NO ONE can take our joy from us.

We thank you that our salvation is sealed for the Day of Redemption.

We thank you that Christ will be revealed soon…and all things will be made right.

We thank you for the Promise of salvation to all those that believe.

That we will spend eternity in unhindered fellowship with you.

We pray this morning for those who have not yet hoped in Christ. You know who they are, Father. You know some of them are listening to this prayer, right now. You know that some of those are the family members and friends of those that hear this prayer. For the sake of your Name, will you give us opportunities this week to boldly proclaim the Gospel to them all. By the power of your Spirit, would you draw them to yourself? Do it God, we pray.

We pray for our enemies that hate the Gospel. Hate the Bible, that Hate Christ, that Hate Righteousness. Show them mercy Father, as you showed mercy to us while we were enemies.

Enable Restoration Church, Summit Church Denver, Redemption Hill in Medford, Mass, Gateway Heights in Cleveland, Faith and Life in Kazan, Russia, Redeemer Church of Dubai…enable all of these churches to love one another with the same love that Christ loved us. That others may come to see that love and be won to Christ in order that peace and love would prevail in those communities.

We ask that you would grant financial sustainability for all the projects that Wycliffe Bible translators are working on, we pray wisdom would be given to the leadership of 9 Marks ministries, and that the International Mission Board would be strategic and faithful in thinking how to get the Gospel to the throngs of people who have never heard the Gospel.

For people like E.L., S.L., A.C. , S.G., K.D., and J.J. who HAVE heard the Gospel…oh God, may they live inside that Gospel, and may they be generous with it this week to the poor, the orphan, the widow.

We ask a special portion of your grace to be given to L.M. and her family, as well as W.T. and his family

Bless our brother, Joey as he comes to bring your word this morning. May we leave here this morning changed by the preaching of your word. Give Joey and give us…grace upon grace as we feast upon your word.

As we take up this mornings offering. We ask that every dime that is placed in the basket would be channeled to advance the Glories and Greatness of Christ in Washington, DC and beyond. And we do so in the powerful name of our Great Captain and King, Christ the Lord.