Worship Through Prayer

Father we come to you this morning freshly aware of the fragility of life. Hundreds of men and women, girls and boys lost their lives when their plane was shot down this past week. Yesterday while we were enjoying the blissful weather, shells pounded the Gaza and rockets landed in Israel; dozens of people died. Right now extremists in Iraq and Syria slaughter anyone who stands against them; nations at war with other nations; nations at war within their own nation. We look at the world; and we’re confronted with death and darkness; brokenness and ruin.

We cry out to you. At times we are confused and perplexed. Sometimes we’re outright angry. Other times we are numb to the pain; it’s become so common our hearts have become calloused. Awake our souls to see the world as you see the world; with compassion for the hurting, a yearning for shalom, for peace, for the restoration of all things. Awake our souls to plead with you in prayer. Awake our souls, Lord God Almighty!

We take great hope in this promise: “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” At times if feels like there’s no hope globally; more poignant, it sometimes feels like there’s not hope personally. But that’s not true. Satan will not win. The battle was won upon the cross of Christ. Beauty will defeat evil. Joy will defeat shame. Life will defeat death. Praise be to God who will raise us up in Christ on the last day. O God of peace, when the battle rages and the schemes of Satan seem to be winning, grant us your peace that passes all understanding. Triumphant Lord Jesus, we ask for your grace to shower those in the midst of trial and turmoil. In your sovereign reign and supreme goodness use these evil and hateful events to bring about righteousness and jubilee in drawing all peoples to yourself.

We praise you Lord Jesus that you are the Savior of all those who believe. We draw comfort knowing that you are intimately familiar with suffering and shame; that you went through darkness and death. Thank you for loving us enough to give your life up for us. And we praise you that you are powerful enough to take your life back up again promising to destroy the devil and all his works. Our weary and tired, yet joyful and expectant, cry is, “Come, Lord Jesus Come!”

Lord God Almighty, you are our Rock and Redeemer, Savior and Sustainer. Triune God, Father, Son, and Spirit, we praise your name this morning for you are worthy to be praised. For the depths of our soul, we worship your holy name. Increase our capacity and desire to know and love and cherish you. “You’re rich in love, and You’re slow to anger. Your name is great, and Your heart is kind. For all Your goodness, we will keep on singing; Ten thousand reasons for our heart to find.”

We are not only mindful of the brokenness in the world, but also the rebellion in our own soul. Despite your goodness to us, we sin against you. Despite your unwavering faithfulness we doubt you. We confess our idolatry and laziness. We remorse over our hard hearts that find you dull and boring. We acknowledge the harsh words we spoke this week and the bitterness in our hearts right now. We repent of our sin, Lord. We praise you that in Christ, our sin no longer defines us; that Christ took our sin that we might have his righteousness. We praise you for this good news; we rest knowing that we are justified completely by the work of our Lord Jesus.

We pray this gospel message marks every facet of our church. For the glory of your name, continue to develop and deepen the gospel community within Restoration. As we share meals together and pray with one another, as we worship together and sit in each other’s homes, as we email and text message one another, allow our speech and conduct to be worthy of the gospel. Build up this body for the glory of your name. We pray for our brother, JF – make the gospel sweet to him. May he eagerly share that gospel with friends and co-workers. And we pray for M & C H. May the each long for the Word and meditate on it’s richness. May they serve and love and respect each other.

Father, for the hallowing of your name, we ask that you would continue to work here in this gathering. Stir up those who are actively trusting in Christ. Give them the grace to walk faithfully and joyful in Christ. For those here not trusting in Christ, would your grace permeate their hearts and minds. Draw them to yourself this morning that they might taste and see that you are infinitely good. Hallow your name in this place. Pour out your Holy Spirit, open the eyes of our hearts that we might trust and treasure Christ, that we might savor Jesus, that our souls might be filled with the everlasting gladness of your eternal Son, Jesus the Christ, in whose name we pray. Amen.