Worship Through Prayer

Lord, we come to you this morning; you are our Shepherd, we shall not want. You make us lie down in green pastures; you lead us beside still waters; you restore our souls. You lead us in paths of righteousness for your name’s sake. This world is broken, and at times it feels like we are walking through the valley of the shadow of death. In those times, we will fear no evil, for you are with us; your rod and your staff they comfort us. Through Christ you bring us into your presence and in him our cup overflows. In Christ, surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our life and we will dwell in the house of you, our great and gracious Lord, forever and ever.

What an amazing truth – to know that in Christ all your promises are “Yes!” Father, we confess that apart from Jesus we are not just bad, but we are dead being separated from you, the Giver of life. We were dead in our trespasses and sins, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that’s now at work among all the disobedient. Apart from Jesus, we follow the passions of our flesh, carrying out every desire of our body and our mind. We act on our lusts and give into our greed; we condemn others thinking we are better; we anxiously worry not trusting in you; we are lazy seeking our own comfort. Lord God Almighty, in our sin we find you dull and boring. And because of our sin, left to ourselves, we are children of wrath deserving your righteous judgment.

But, you in your infinite grace, being rich in mercy, made us alive together with Christ. By grace we have been saved! Oh, how we praise you for your majestic mercy and glorious grace. Oh, how we praise you for Jesus – his life, death, burial and resurrection. Oh, how we praise you that your Holy Spirit seals us with the promise of the gospel. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us in the Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places. All this to the praise of your glorious grace!

And not only have you redeemed us from our sin, but you have sent us on mission to proclaim your excellencies, to herald the good news of the gospel. We pray that we would be a church filled with men and women who eagerly speak the gospel to one another; that we often remind each other of Jesus and relate to one another in the bond of the gospel; that we would continued to be united in Christ Jesus. We pray that you would use our ministry to see others come to faith in Jesus; that as the gospel goes forth from our lips you would bring people to life in Christ. Yes, Lord, do this for the glory of your name. We pray that you would use our church to start a Spanish speaking church in Columbia Heights. Yes, Lord, do this for the glory of your name. We pray that you would raise many men and women up from this church to take the gospel to unreached peoples – people like the XX in XX. Yes, Lord, do this for the glory of your name.

Father we pray for countries like Iraq and Syria; countries were war and turmoil abound. We know we live in a sin-filled, broken world even if we are isolated from some of the most devastating, gruesome violence. We pray for our Christian brothers and sisters in these countries; give them much grace to hold fast to Christ. Remind them this day of your promise in Hebrews 13, you will never, no never, leave them or forsake them.

Father we pray for our own government. Give our leaders wisdom and insight as they make decisions that effect not only this country but those around the world. We pray for our president. In your kindness Lord, grant President Obama a sense of justice and wisdom that he would rule in keeping with your character. We pray for congress, for state and local officials. We pray for first responders and for our military. We praise you for the many men and women who serve us in these various capacities giving us a country of peace. Help us continue to not be presumptuous, but thank you for these servants and praise you for this gift of grace. Help us to not be lazy in our faith simply because we can freely worship you; cause us to be all the more zealous in our pursuit of Christ.

We praise you for other churches here in DC that faithfully proclaim the gospel. We thank you for our brother Aaron Graham and ask that you would give him much grace to faithfully pastor The District Church. Use that body to make much of Jesus. And we pray for Del Ray Baptist and Redeemer Arlington; continue to pour your grace upon these churches that they might make disciples that delight in the supremacy of Christ.

Father, for the sake of your name, use the rest of our time gathered here this morning to shape and mold us. As we listen to your word, convict us of specific sin, encourage us in our faithfulness, call us back where we are wayward. Do all this by leading us to our Savior Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray.