The Ultimate Difference

Every doubt has an equal position of faith. Here are a couple more examples…

  • To doubt Christianity is the only true religion is to believe that other religions are valid – this itself is a position of faith that cannot be proven.
  • To doubt that there are no moral absolutes is to believe morality is socially constructed – that itself is a position of faith that cannot be proven.
  • To doubt that the Bible is the Word of God is belief that God did not inspire the Scriptures – that itself is a position of faith that cannot be proven.
  • To doubt that God created us as living beings is belief that we came from non-living matter – that itself is a position of faith that cannot be proven.

So everyone has faith. Everyone trusts in something. The only difference is the object of our faith, our trust. Ultimately what matters is what you put your faith in, what you trust in.

If you’re debating whether or not to walk across a frozen pond, what matters most is not the strength of your faith, but the strength of the ice – the object of your faith. Will it hold you?

Strong faith in weak ice brings catastrophic results; the ice does not hold your weight no matter how much faith or trust you have in it. But weak faith in thick ice brings positive results; the ice holds your weight regardless of the strength of your faith. You see, it does not matter how bold or timid you are, what matters most is where have you put your faith?

Many people put faith in their own reasoning. But my reason has failed me. If you’re honest you would say the same thing; our reason is not perfect. Not only has my reason failed me, but my feelings have failed me; my own morals have failed me; my closest friends have failed me (and I have failed them); my efforts have failed me.

If I put my faith in any of these things I am knowingly putting my faith in something I know is broken!

Where should we put our faith? In something that is bedrock and never fails. In Christ Jesus. How do we know Jesus is faithful and never fails? Because he died for us and rose again!

Don’t let your doubts lead you to yourself. The more we look into our own reason, our own hearts for peace and assurance, the less we find. The more we look to Christ and his promises, the more assurance we find.

When we put our faith in Christ as our only hope we are blessed; we are in the place of God’s favor. There is nothing else we can do to earn the favor of God – no amount of good works, no amount of deep thinking, nothing will do except hope in Jesus; he alone can reconcile us back to God.

So more important than resolving all of your doubts is examining the object of your faith. We all live by faith, what is the object of your faith? Only after you truly answer that question can you deal with your doubts.