How to Turn the Conversation? (Pt. 2)

In a previous post we looked at how before we can turn a conversation toward Christ, we ourselves need to be warmed by Christ. So let’s assume your heart’s affections are stirred by Christ and you desire to joyfully share the gospel with others that they too might find the fullness of joy in Christ. How do you do that?

During the Conversation

  • Commit to the Awkward:
    • The Gospel is deep and intimate while also being offensive and supernatural. The deck is stacked against you…there is no “easy” way to turn the conversation into the things of God without it being, at some level, uncomfortable
    • Once you get to the point of expecting the awkwardness instead of hoping for its absence, the easier it will be to walk into those conversations
    • Fear of Man is sinful: Repent, Pray, take courage and make disciples
    • Courage: does not mean the absence of tension, courage is doing what is right in the face of tension
      • When you read the diaries of soldiers every one of them are fearful of what they face when they step on the battlefield…but they exude courage when, in light of that, they still move towards the enemy
  • Ask Don’t (always) tell:
    • You can more naturally lead people into conversations about spiritual things when you are talking about their favorite thing (themselves)
    • You actually control the conversation more when you are directing the conversation through questions than being asked questions
      • BUT: Do not ask questions simply to control the conversation…remember, invest in people with real lives/names/faces
    • Like digging a hole, try and consider questions that can carefully move from the surface and slowly work below the surface:
      • That may take 5 minutes…that may take 5 years
  • Sample Questions:
    • What do you think it means to be a Christian?
    • How do you think someone becomes a Christian?
    • What is your spiritual back ground?
    • How would you describe what you believe spiritually? How did you get to that position?
    • Who do you think Jesus was/is? Would you mind if I shared with you what I believe to be true about Jesus?
    • Are you a reader? What are you currently reading?
    • What happens to people when they die? What makes you think you will go to heaven?
    • If you could ask God any question, what would it be?
    • Why do you think people do what they do? What are your basic assumptions about people? How did you form those beliefs?
    • If you could know God personally, would you be interested?
    • What do you find either the most attractive or unattractive about Christ? Christianity?
    • Have you ever had someone walk you through what Christians believe? Would you be interested in doing that?
    • What is it about Christianity that makes you think it doesn’t have any relevance to our world today?