The Life of Humility

In Christ we see, unlike Pride, Humility leads to Life.

In Humility, Christ left His independence in Heaven, and became dependent upon a mortal mother named Mary. Because He did He made it possible for others to be born again.

In Humility Christ was baptized by John just so that He would be obedient. Because He did, He made it possible to be obedient in baptism.

In Humility Christ chose a rag tag group of men as His disciples when He could have chosen Princes. Because He did He displayed His power to the world by turning it upside down with 12 Simple men who were slow to believe, just like us.

In Humility Christ loved the poor, the weak, and the outcasts of society when He didn’t have to. Because He did, He helped us see that everyone matters to God.

In Humility Christ loved the Samaritans when none of His people did. Because He did a Samaritan women was given eternal water to drink & be full forever.

In Humility Jesus rode a Donkey into Jerusalem when He could have had a chariot. Because He did He made clear that He was the answer to Zechariah’s prophecy of a Coming King.

In Humility He washed the feet of the disciples who He knew would betray Him. Because He did He set an example that continues to impress the proudest of men.

In Humility He was honest before His Father when He asked the Cup to pass from Him. Because He was we know that our King knows what it means to be afraid.

In Humility Christ was silent before His accusers like a Lamb going into a slaughter.

In Humility Christ took lash after lash, fist after fist, and nail after nail. Because He did He has made it possible for sinful, prideful, rebel hearted men like us to be reconciled to God!