Remembering Why We Want Depth

Well, I hope these posts have been helpful in some way. They were never intended to be exhaustive on the subject. I really had a couple goals:

(1) Expose us to the breadth and depth of our thinness. I am convinced I haven’t even begun to realize how screwed up and cluttered my heart and mind are, but I have really been helped to simply notice it all, and as Duke used to say on the GI Joe commercials when I was a kid: “Knowing is half the battle.” So hopefully you are more aware of your heart and mind, as well as the things that are causing this struggle

(2) BEGIN the conversation towards fruitfulness. From encouraging specific repentance to suggesting some practical ways to create some gaps of peace & reflection, I hope this can begin a conversation with ourselves and others that can grow into more healthy thinking and living.

There simply is no magic bullet to this problem, and it IS a problem folks. I say often that I pastor in one of the most Brilliant Stupid cities in the world. What I mean by that is so many people in this city have amazing degrees, titles, and by and large are highly intelligent people. Yet I am so amazed at how incredibly thin and silly they are when it comes to actually thinking through the deep questions of life and why they do what they do. I believe this is the case because one of the Evil One’s great games in this life is getting us to pay attention to the Ordinary, and not consider the EXTRAordinary that hovers below the pavement of every step you take.

It has taken you a million tiny decisions to get you to the distracted heart and mind that you currently suggest, and save a miracle from the Lord, it will take a million tiny decisions to get you out of the hole your in. So, don’t give up, and don’t be discouraged, keep fighting.  Ask someone to fight with you, but whatever you do, commit yourself to fight this enemy. Keep laboring to see how this enemy attacks, and become an expert in defeating him. In the end, your life as a follower of Christ will be better because of it.

Above all, don’t ever forget why you are in this fight in the first place. God must be, and deserves to be worshiped with ALL of our HEARTS and ALL of our MINDS and ALL of our STRENGTH. He is a good God who sent His Son who first loved we distracted sinful people, by offering up His life for our sin, that by the power of His Spirit we might learn to DELIGHT in His Supremacy of our lives, for His glory and our good.


**For a .pdf version of all these blogs posts, click here.**