Pastoral Prayer

Your steadfast love, oh Lord, never ceases. Your mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning. Great is your faithfulness. Your word recounts your faithfulness to your people through all time. You clothed Adam and Eve when their eyes were opened to their nakedness by their sin against you. You preserved Noah from the flood. You made a covenant with Abraham that you began to fulfill through his son Isaac and his son Jacob. You supplied Joseph an exalted position under Pharaoh that Jacob’s family would have food. You rescued your people from slavery in Egypt and we see in Numbers you delivering them to the cusp of the promised land.

We confess Lord that we respond to your faithfulness by being an unfaithful people. We are quick in our hearts to condemn the unfaithful spouse, the ungrateful child, the exasperating parent, the selfish friend, the shirking employee or coworker. But our condemnation is unjust. Who are we to judge when we stand before you justly condemned by our own unfaithfulness to you. We are unfaithful to you when our affection for a spouse, a child, or any person outstrips our affection for you. We are unfaithful to you when we take your name in vain, using it loosely and carelessly. We are unfaithful to you when we do not set apart the Sabbath to you, when we do not honor our parents, when we murder or even hate another person, when we commit adultery or even lust after another person. Lord, we confess that there is no end to our unfaithfulness.

But in your great mercy you have reconciled to yourself all who have turned from their sin and trusted in you. You have blotted out our transgressions like a cloud and our sins like mist. You call us to return to you, for you have redeemed us.

We thank you Lord that in your kindness you not only rescue our souls, but you supply all our needs and so much more. We recognize that it is you who provides us food, clothing, and shelter. You have provided us the freedom to gather and worship you without interference.

We pray not just for ourselves but for our brothers and sisters in other countries who lack the freedom to worship you openly or evangelize freely. We pray that they would remain steadfast in the face of opposition and bold in their proclamation of their faith. We pray particularly for those in North Korea who face persecution for their faith in you. Increase their number as a demonstration of your power over the rulers of this world. Increase their faith as you sustain them in great difficulty. Increase their hope in you as they look forward to the day when they, when we all, will worship at your feet. Let them hold fast the confession of their hope without wavering, for you who promised are faithful.

We pray also Lord for our city. We’re thankful for the way you have greatly increased the number of churches that teach your word and your gospel in the District. Continue this work we pray. Grow Grace DC Downtown and Grace DC Meridian Hill for your glory. Grow Church of the Resurrection, Church of the Advent, and Church of the Ascension for your glory we pray. And speed godly men who hope to plant more sound churches to glorify you in neighborhoods like Logan Circle, we pray.  Bring all these things about for the good of your people and the glory of your name. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen.