Pastoral Prayer – 10/21

Quiet our hearts in your presence, most holy God.

We confess to you that by our thoughts, words, and deeds we have questioned your holiness and your majesty. We call you Lord, but too often we live without a thought for the holiness to which we, made by you and in your image, are called. Forgive us, merciful father, for being self-satisfied. May we instead worship you in the splendor of your holiness.

We confess that we do not always speak the truth. We bend and manipulate the truth; we outright lie, so that others will think we’re better students, children, parents, workers, friends, spouses, Christians than we are. You are the God of truth; make us who are your people to be a truthful people. Give us courage to own our faults and shortcomings. Make us to be more like you in this way, we pray.

We thank you Lord that you have called us out of darkness and into your light. That though we have committed these and many other sins, you have made us who repent from our sin and trust in you to be among your people. We praise you that you have chosen for yourself followers all through this world. And we pray specifically for the Christians being abused and killed for your sake in Nigeria. We pray that you would give these men and women relief from the threats they face. And if not, give them courage to continue to worship you in the grace they know through Jesus Christ. Give them peace and joy in your Holy Spirit.

We pray also for brothers and sisters nearer us. We ask that you would build up Drakes Branch Baptist Church in Drakes Branch, VA. May their pastor, Steven Carne, boldly proclaim the power your saving gospel in that little town and may his efforts build up the believers there in their faith and in their understanding of you and your word. Draw to yourself men and women who do not know you through the fervent witness of that congregation.

You instruct us to pray for those who rule over us and so we do. We pray that our elected leaders at every level would desire justice. We pray that you would give them wisdom in their decisions so that we may live peaceful and quiet lives, dignified in every way. We thank you for those who serve our community on police forces and pray that their work would be effective in protecting people, all of whom you have made in your image.

Finally, Lord, we pray for the many people in this city from other nations. Many are here for professional or educational opportunities, and we pray that their time here would be more transforming that they can imagine. May they hear your gospel, may it be from our lips even, and may they trust in you, becoming new creatures in Christ Jesus.

And we praise you that several other nations already are represented in this congregation; their presence reminding us of the day we await with eager anticipation; the day when all of your people will be gathered in your presence. Men and women from every tribe, tongue, and nation. May that day come quickly. In Christ’s name. Amen.