No Matter What…

Not matter what you face today or tomorrow or next year, remember one thing: You can trust God. Just as we saw in Acts 27-28, God’s sovereign grace sustains his people for the glory of his own name. Here are a few quotes to

A. W. Tozer:

With the goodness of God to desire our highest welfare, the wisdom of God to plan it, and the power of God to achieve it, what do we lack? (Knowledge of the Holy, 64)

J. I. Packer:

[Regarding Romans 8:32] the meaning of ‘he will give us all things’ can be put thus:  one day we shall see that nothing – literally nothing – which could have increased our eternal happiness has been denied us, and that nothing – literally nothing – that could have reduced that happiness has been left with us.  What higher assurance do we want than that?” (Knowing God, 270)