More Suggestions to Cultivate Depth…

(Continued suggestions of de-cluttering your mind and creating space for the great)

9. Actively Listen: I know you all think you do this really well, and some of you do, but a lot of you don’t. When you listen to the sermon on Sunday, ENGAGE with it. Think through it as the words come across you, ask questions, take notes, etc. When you are sitting in a meeting try and focus on the person and what they are saying. Be aware of your weakness to flutter away, and actively work against it.

10. Evaluate your technologies: I have been so helped by doing a few very small things with technology. For instance, I don’t have any video games on my iPhone, that’s an intentional decision, I don’t want any temptation to waste some times of silence or reading or whatever by creating some mind numbing activity.

I try and be aware of the amount of TV I watch and make certain and hold it in check realizing it is affecting me more than I realize. I think about all the conversations I could have with my wife instead of watching another episode of The Office (which I LOVE).

Here is a big one…when you are on your laptop try and keep the applications you have “up” to a minimum. Keep your Desktop wallpaper simple or inspiring in some way. If you watch a Youtube Video bring it up to a full screen, don’t leave it minimized so you have the 15 other things staring at you like the comment section, suggested videos, “likes” etc.

More than anything else in this area, grow a cautious eye towards technology…make it convince you that this something that will help you grow as a disciple of Christ, not a disciple of the world…when you listen to the advertisers try and disagree with them at points and evaluate how this will cause more distraction as well as the places it will help you.

Concluding thoughts tomorrow…