Quotes on Matthew 5:7

MLuther“Christ is saying nothing in the sermon [on the mount] about how we become Christians, but only about the works and fruit that no one can do unless he already is a Christian and in a state of grace.”

Martin Luther




“By mercifulness we resemble God who is a God of mercy…He requires good for evil, like the clouds which receive ill vapors from us but return them to us again in sweet showers. There is not a creature lives but tastes of the mercies of God. Every bird, in its kind sings hymns of praise to God for his bounty, but men…in a more particular manner taste the cream and quintessence of God’s mercies.

What temporal mercies you have received! Every time you draw a breath you suck in mercy. Every bit of bread you eat, the hand of mercy carves it. You never drink but in a golden cup of mercy

What spiritual mercies has God enriched some of you with. Pardoning, adopting saving mercy. The picture of God’s mercy can never be drawn to the full.”

Thomas Watson

Picture Source:  biography.com; digitalpuritan.net