Justification Vs. Sanctification

Do you have a clear understanding of what justification and sanctification* are? If not, you may start to believe you can earn God’s approval through what you do (or don’t do), or you lose God’s favor based on what you do (or don’t do).

CJ Mahaney, provides a helpful summary on these two key theological realities:

  • Justification is being declared righteous
  • Sanctification is being made righteous.
  • Justification is our position before God.
  • Sanctification is our practice before God.
  • Justification is immediate and complete upon conversion – you’ll never be more justified that you are the first moment you trust Christ for salvation.
  • Sanctification is a progressive process – you’ll be more sanctified as you continue in grace-motivated obedience.
  • Justification is objective – Christ’s work for us.
  • Sanctification is subjective Christ’s work within us.

*This is specifically referring to what theologians call progressive sanctification.