How to Respond…

This is a personal blog posts from Nathan Knight:

As followers of Christ we should respond, in part, but more than that we need to lead in the following categories referenced yesterday:

1. To the Strangeness: We need to do a better job of articulating what we believe…bring clarity to the words, phrases, concepts, etc. so that we can understand that in some ways we are not very far apart.

Indeed, followers of Christ should be equally, if not more, horrified at abuses of the faith, we should be advocates for the downtrodden of society, and we should take the time to listen to those who disagree with us…though not to the point of being spineless, weak, or without defending the truths of God.

2. To the Ironic: Given the latter…followers of Christ must do a better job at owning our faith and answering the questions that the people in our lives and the society at large are answering. I understand that not everyone can do this to the degree that the great Christian philosophers can, but as my Philosophy Professor used to say in seminary “We have a word from God”…and if we believe that, we must not be sloppy in our handling of that word and the world it describes. “Child Like Faith” or “Simple Faith” is not to be used as an excuse for ignorance…nor should you believe everything Fox News or CNN tells you.

Christian…work at THINKING, Christ commanded that you love Him with all your MIND (Matt. 22.37). The Reason for God by Tim Keller and More than a Carpenter by Josh McDowell are two books most every Christian in America should read. Also, study your Bible’s and listen to good preaching and engage with it…in short know your Bible’s, don’t just regurgitate something someone else told you.  If you believe it, own it, for the glory of God! Most of those at the Reason Rally didn’t reason any better or worse than most Christians, but we have no excuse…”we have a word from God.”

3. To the Sad: Shame on us Christians, shame on us! That those on the peripheries of society should ever feel shunned by the Christian community. We should work against the tide of following the beautiful, rich, and famous. Christ was constantly after those that society had shunned; from the blind and lame to the prostitutes and tax collectors…be the “Good Samaritan,” no…be the Christ that is in you to those that society shuns. Don’t compromise the truths of the Gospel and the Word that points you to that Gospel, but love the unlovable, primarily because YOU (and I) were the unlovable and Christ loved us, but don’t do it to “pay off” Christ…do it because of the reward laid up for those who you love, and for the glory it brings to the Father who loved you.

Christians in America need to understand their King does not, and will not ever live at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. They need to treasure the Word of God more than the parchment of man at the National Archives, and they need to be more passionate about a heavenly Kingdom more than that of Republicans. In short…Christian, do not neglect so great a salvation…gaze into the eyes of Christ your King, love Him and trust Him to move in on you as you move out into your community. If more Christians did this, Im convinced the attendance of a Reason Rally would be far less, and the attendance of our churches would be far more.