HaitiLove Prayer Guide

Here is a daily prayer guide for Noah Joyner (HaitiLove) as he takes a trip to Haiti to teach students at the Hispaniola Institute for Theology.

Day 1– Pray for our new students on their first day of class. To be willing to learn and see the value of what is being taught. For promptness and perseverance in a 7 hour class.

Day 2– Pray for productivity for Noah as he works on some house projects and studies to teach Old Testament.

Day 3– Pray for our first class of Old Testament. Pray for safety for our students as they travel in the evening and night.

Day 4– Pray for our staff as they lead our students. Pray for strong relationships and unity between the students and with the staff.

Day 5– Pray for Noah as he will be missing his family. Pray for Steph as she does the job of Mom and Dad. Pray for obedient, servant hearts for the kids.

Day 6– Pray for the churches represented by all of our students, that God would give health and growth through the study and application of Gods word by church leaders.

Day 7– Pray that Christ would be our teach by the Spirit through the word of God, that we would all know Christ more and desire to make him know to others.

Day 8– Pray for our new students that they would not be discouraged by the requirements of the coarse but be excited to learn how to study the Bible.

Day 9– Pray Noah and the staff would seek and find rest after a long week.

Day 10– Pray that our Old Testament students would desire to see God’s character and promises of Christ as the most exciting thing about the OT.

Day 11– Pray that the weather would not hinder our students in getting to class.

Day 12– Pray for our students as they juggle school, church, work, and home life.  

Day 13– Pray for our students as the week is ending. That they would persevere with joy and excitement.

Day 14– Pray that our last day of OT would be productive and joyful. That our students would transition well to doing bookwork and assignments in their break from class.

Day 15– Pray that our last day of “Hermeneutics” (Study of Bible and Interpretation) would be a time of rejoicing and accomplishment for our new students. That they also would transition into “homework” well.

Day 16– Pray for safety and strength for Noah as he travels home after a long two weeks. Most of all pray that Christ would be honored in all that we have done the last two weeks and that the Church would be edified through it.