Was God Capricious in His dealings with the Amalekites?

Below is a brief synopsis of Nathan’s sermon that shows removing God also removes any foundation on which to complain about moral wrongs:

  1. As Samuel warned the Israelites our ways are unfaithful, yet God has proven Himself faithful (1 Samuel 12.6-12). This should cause us to be more suspicious of our moral superiority in light of Gods faithfulness.
  2. If we deny that God exists then are left with a bigger problem – where does the sense of Justice come from that says this behavior is “wrong”? In other words, the absence of God doesn’t solve the problem, but only creates more problems.
  3. God was not capricious in His dealings with the Amalekites. Instead He was Judging them for their like minded behavior against Israel as they were going into the Promise Land (Deuteronomy 25.17-19, Exodus 17.14-15, Numbers 24.20). Therefore the Amalekites were not “innocent”.
  4. This should not surprise us as God has previously deemed a people so corrupt that He Judged them through the Flood (Genesis 6).
  5. God’s Justice must be satisfied in order for Him to maintain His Holiness, otherwise He is no different than a corrupt Judge and not worthy of our worship.
  6. Jesus taught that all those who are apart from Christ should expect Judgment (Matt. 10.14-15, 13.40-43, Luke 10.10-14, etc.).
  7. Be reminded that God did not spare His only Son but sacrificed Him as well. God knows what it is to see His Son Judged (Romans 8.32, etc.). Therefore, while God’s judgment may be severe, His grace must stun us even more.

Remember that while we may have some level of value for God, none of truly comprehend His worth. And yet He has proven Himself as being Just, but also being Gracious (Romans 3.21-26, 1 John 4.10, etc.)