Serving the Community at Christmastime (Part 1)

Christmas is fast approaching! During the Advent season, we are simultaneously reminded of all we have to be thankful for and all the ways we can serve the poor in our communities. With so many opportunities to serve, dozens of philanthropic gift catalogs, and a plethora of organizations to donate to, how do we decide how to serve the community this Christmas season?

We want to be able to serve in a way that is sustainable and effective. Often this requires consistency, fully entering into the messiness of people’s lives, and coming alongside them as you both work towards a goal. With one-off Christmas service opportunities, we need to be intentional in finding ways to serve that are more helpful than hurtful.

In general, when deciding how to invest time or money into serving the community, ask two questions:

  1. Does this opportunity respect the dignity of the poor by empowering them to be a part of their own development?
  2. Does it address not just material poverty, but also social, spiritual, and/or psychological poverty?

These questions are a good start in helping us think through how to serve the less fortunate this Christmas season. With one-off service events, often the best way to get involved is to donate to or partner with organizations that are already doing good, sustainable work in your community.

With these guiding thoughts, let’s look at some specific opportunities. (This is by no means a comprehensive list!) First, we’ll look at ways we can serve as a corporate body. In the next two blogs, we’ll look at ways to serve individually.

Corporately, Restoration is partnering with the Porch and DC127/FAPAC this Christmas season. You can learn more about that here.

  • The Porch’s mission is “to make disciples of Jesus Christ by creating safe and welcoming space for youth in DC to experience God’s love, hope and healing.” They do this through small and large Bible studies, working with the youth to develop life and leadership skills, assisting the youth and families with practical needs, and the list goes on.
  • DC127 fights poverty by supporting strong families. They strive to “unite churches with organizations, government agencies, and businesses in DC around recruiting and supporting foster and adoptive families so that no child is waiting for a home.” They are helping the Foster & Adoptive Parent Advocacy Center gather toys for a Christmas party that unites and celebrates both foster and birth parents and their kids.

Both of these organizations target not only material but also social and spiritual poverty while empowering and equipping those they serve. While you may not be able to volunteer regularly with either of these organizations, helping by buying a food basket or donating toys is a great way to get involved. Because Restoration’s donations will go through these organizations, it will serve to further the mission of the Porch and DC127/FAPAC and continue to develop the relationships they are pouring into week in and week out. It makes donating a meal or toys much more significant and effective, and is a way that we can corporately serve our brother and sister laborers at these organizations.

Rather donate your time? Sing Christmas carols with the Wiesners at Friendship Terrace. One way Restoration serves our community is by caring for the elderly at Friendship Terrace. To continue developing relationships and to visit with men and women who may not be able to see family during the Christmas season, Restoration is going caroling on December 23. Contact Jeremy for more info.

Look for blog #2 tomorrow, which will describe a variety of other excellent local organizations and ways you can get involved individually!