Different Place, Same Gospel

From Restoration Church member Megan T.

The Lord is moving in Phaeton.  Not in an obvious way, but in a sweet, subtle way.  In the way that men gather around the well asking questions for hours about who God is and why they were created.  Or the way children sit around a tree listening to parables and singing hymns.  He is moving in the way a young woman eagerly reports on what she read since the last time she was visited and all her questions.  He is evident in the prayers answered for women throughout Phaeton over the past year.

This was my second trip to Phaeton, Haiti, and over the past year the Lord has been working in mighty ways.  At first the knowledge of the weak churches in the community were discouraging- how can the Haitians come to know the Lord if their shepherds aren’t guiding them to Him?  But, the Lord is working there regardless.  You can feel it when you walk around Phaeton- something heavy in the air.  Noah said that often the ones who are faithfully in the Word are the ones who are not attending church regularly because they realize there is something more.  There is something heartbreaking in that.  As someone who has matured significantly through my membership in a local church, I can’t imagine it.

While I know that a weak local church is far from ideal, it is still so beautiful to see the way that the Lord works within a community to accomplish His will.  He works through people, spreading the good news and encouraging those living within the communities.  God is working through Restoration Church, allowing us to bring the Gospel, to build relationships, to pray for one another, to bear one another’s burdens, and for a short time, to live life together.

I will forever have the memories of Janet telling us that she first thanks God for every gift she receives as we sit on beds in her home, of helping Justine to bathe and holding water up to her lips, of the cool breeze as we sat on a hill overlooking Haiti, and so many more glimpses of the Lord’s faithfulness.

God is faithful and working in Phaeton, and I am so blessed to have been able to play a role in what He is doing.