DC127 Safe Families

Hello Restoration Church family,
A big thank you to Nathan for setting me up perfectly at Engage to share with you some exciting updates for our church about the Safe Families program through DC127!
What is Safe Families?
If you aren’t familiar with Safe Families, the goal of the program is to walk with a family going through a crisis, preventing the children from entering the foster care system, and strengthening the family. The Safe Families team will host the children and provide a listening ear, encouragement, and accountability for the parent. Watch this video to get a full idea of what the program looks like!
What Are We Doing?
In our situation, we will be providing ongoing respite care for a single mom with four kids, ages 1 to 6. Our team met up with the family for the first time last week.
How You Can Help – Pray Now, Stay Tuned
We think there will be many ways that you can get involved once we get a better grasp of the process, from helping us gather supplies to providing an extra pair of hands to care for the kids. However, for now, the biggest way you can serve us is to join us in prayer that:
  • The Lord will be glorified.
  • Our team and the family will grow and be strengthened in our walks with Christ, learning from one another.
  • Our team will come alongside this family in love, humility, patience, and grace.
  • The Lord will give us wisdom in knowing how to care for the kids and support mom.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me!
In Christ,
Kathryn F.