DC127 July Newsletter

For the past few years, Restoration Church has been increasingly involved with supporting DC127, a movement of churches in the city caring for families in crisis. This happens through supporting children in foster care, and helping to prevent families from entering the foster care system. You can learn more about DC127 here: www.dc127.org.

In the past, Restoration has prayed for this work, provided needed items like clothes and diapers for other families in the church network who were caring for children, mentored kids in foster care, and become host homes for children whose parents need support. Each month, we’ll be providing updates about the ways Restoration Church members are serving and ways you can be praying for these situations. We’ll also share more information about ways to learn more and opportunities to serve in this work.

To hear more from members at Restoration about their experiences serving with DC127, check out the church life podcasts found here:

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Megan or Whitney


Upcoming Events 

DC127 Foster Family and Volunteer Panel

July 27th 7:00pm-8:00pm

The District Church Office (right next to the Shaw Metro)

1616 7th St NW

Washington, DC 20001 US

Thinking about fostering or Safe Families is daunting, and you probably have a lot of questions. That’s why DC127 is bringing together a current foster family, Host Home, and Family Coach to share about their experiences and answer your questions.

All of the panelists have already served families or currently have children in their home. They’ll be able to answer what it’s like to actually care for a child in your home or serve a family. Whether you’re just thinking about getting involved or already signed up to volunteer, this is a great chance to hear directly from the folks on the front line.

If you have any questions, please reach out to info@dc127.org or call at 202-670-1145.


Members’ Meeting

August 14th 5:00pm

Washington International Church

While many of you have heard about DC127, we know there’s been a lot of church growth and change in membership over the past two years. We want to make sure everyone has the opportunity to hear about why we are involved in DC127 and opportunities to serve, so at the members’ meeting, we’ll spend some time talking through this. After the meeting, Whitney and Megan will be available to discuss any additional questions you may have.


One City, One Hope

September 30 @ 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm

Chinese Community Church

500 I St NW

Washington, DC 20001 US

Every year, churches from around the Washington, DC area come together to pray for children in foster care and families in crisis. In the past, it has been an encouraging time to join together with other believers in the area to pray for our city. Look for more information on this in the future.


Prayer Requests

Katherine and Whitney continue to help a team of volunteers across the DC127 church network to support a mom by caring for her 2-year old daughter as needed. Sometimes this is only for a few hours of babysitting during the day, and at other times it has been overnight stays for 2-3 nights.

Please pray:

  • That through the safe families program, mom will feel supported and know that this care is an outpouring of Christ’s love;
  • Mom’s health;
  • The little girl will feel love and stability and grow healthily; and
  • Both mom and daughter will one day know and follow Christ.

Kathryn and Sun have been working on a team as a Family Coach and Family Friend. In these roles, they work primarily with mom to build a relationship of friendship and support to reach her personal goals while also coordinating care for the children with other volunteers. As this placement gets started, please pray that the team would have patience and wisdom as they attempt to serve this family effectively and sustainably. Pray that both the host family and biological family will learn more about Christ.

David has joined a team, mostly from the District Church, providing a supportive environment for an older teenager this summer as he graduates high school, starts college, and finds a job and housing. All are immediate goals leading to a stable, independent life. There is an opportunity here for any younger men available during the day to be more of an advocate and walk with him. Contact David if you would like to serve in this role.

Praise God for breakthroughs this week in college admissions, financial aid, and potential housing arrangements. Please pray for all the remaining logistics and pre-requisites to come through that will enable him to support himself soon. Pray specifically for employment that will pay him more than enough to live independently and take classes. Also, please pray for fruitful conversations and an encouraging time as he stays with David for the next two weeks.