DC Family & Youth Initiative

On June 6th, some members of Restoration Church partnered with DC Family & Youth Initiative (DCFYI) to encourage meaningful relationships between adults and teens in foster care. This transpired at an event centered around learning how to paint on canvas using stencils. RC sponsored the purchase of acrylic paint, brushes, and canvases to allow for a successful day. Event organization and lesson planning were provided by members of our church, who were inspired by the presentation made by DC127 to minister to foster children.

DC 127’s mission is “to unite churches with organizations, government agencies, and businesses in DC around recruiting and supporting foster and adoptive families so that no child is waiting for a home.Most people think the primary ways to support children in foster care are to adopt or become foster parents. These are certainly very important and critically needed roles, but there are many other ways to support the community that range in levels of commitment. Other ways include opening up your home for a month or two to a foster child in need of a safe family, babysitting, respite care, event planning, fundraising, and mentoring (DCFYI and other agencies).

DC Family & Youth Initiative builds a fantastic community for foster teens. They have a mentoring program, but unlike most organizations they do not “match” a teen to an adult randomly. The organization only allows the mentor process to begin if there is a mutual desire between the adult and teen to pursue a mentoring relationship. In order to promote these relationships, DCFYI frequently plans large and small group events. At these events, teens interact with a peer group of other foster teens as well as caring adults. Examples of events range from zip-lining, to Fruit Olympics, cooking, and in our case a day of painting using stencils on canvas.

The art event was held at The Corner Store Arts venue on South Carolina and 9th Street and was well attended. Several new adults and couples came, as well as a handful of new and returning teens. We laid out tables and colorful tablecloths, set out the canvases & paint, and lined up a wide array of stencil options from basketball players to cherry blossoms, tigers, and everything in between. A lesson on layout, technique, and color schemes was provided, and the group set to task! We watched as teens and adults interacted with each other, painting side by side.

One teen did particularly well with his canvas. He listened to the instructions and chose a hummingbird stencil, then carefully planned out his composition. He painted his canvas solid metallic gold, and with the upmost care he stenciled the hummingbird in black. The edges were perfect, and he was able to bond with one of the mentors over his success. The finished project was strikingly gorgeous, and he was very pleased. Moments like this are precious to witness. DCFYI’s events allow the teens to build trust with adults leading to mentoring, friendship, and sometimes adoption.

Thank you Restoration Church for allowing trust to grow in the lives of those who have had so little to trust in. Please pray for relationships that point to the only one who is truly trustworthy.