Apply What You Learned at Engage 2018!

As we talked about at Engage 2018, there are a variety of ways to serve and disciple those who are in poverty. We should look for ways to serve with intentionality and consistency at the individual level. This can and should be done informally and directly through the church. But, it also can be done by partnering with organizations that are doing good work in the community, like the ones in the list below! These orgs serve the poor of DC in a biblical and effective way, respecting the dignity of all of God's image bearers, empowering those who are in poverty to use their gifts and talents, and targeting not only material but also the social, spiritual, and psychological aspects of poverty.


Mentorships, Tutoring, and Family Ministries

The Porch/Youth for Christ Washington, DC

Mission—"The Porch makes disciples of Jesus Christ by creating safe and welcoming space for youth in DC to experience God's love, hope and healing."

What They Do—large and small group Bible studies, discipleship and mentorship relationships, retreat and camps, empower and equip leaders, teach life skills, support parents/families, connect youth with resources

Ways to Get Involved— Mentoring, providing meals, small group dinner host, transportation help, event support, admin assistance

Little Lights

Mission—“Little Lights Urban Ministries empowers underserved youth, families, and communities in Washington DC by sharing the hope of Christ through compassionate action, caring relationships, and racial reconciliation.”

What They Do—For children: Christian mentorships and tutoring; For teens/adults: Christian life coaching, workforce development program, race literacy classes, diaper distribution, worship services for youth and adults, seasonal activities (Christmas store, Thanksgiving baskets, summer camp, back to school supplies)

Ways to Get Involved—mentorship, tutoring, helping with worship services/youth groups, seasonal help, admin skills, maintaining the computer lab, and more!

DC127/Safe Families

Mission—DC127 fights poverty by supporting strong families. Their mission is “uniting to reverse the foster care wait list in Washington, DC.”

What They Do—"We work to both recruit and support foster and adoptive homes, and prevent children from entering the child welfare system by supporting families in crisis through our partnership with the Safe Families for Children movement."

Ways to Get Involved—Support foster families, serve on a safe families team by being a friend to the parent, hosting kids in your home, or helping facilitate the team


Homelessness, Health Care, and Affordable Housing

Central Union Mission // Mission Muffins

Mission—“Meeting the needs of our city's homeless and hurting people [by providing] shelter, hot meals, medical care, job training and compassionate care to transform lives here in the Washington D.C., metropolitan area."

What They Do—provides food, showers, a warm place to sleep, job training, spiritual transformation program, health care services, and more

Ways to Get Involved—order muffins and scones from mission muffins (one of the Mission's job training programs), help by serving/cleaning up dinner or helping with upkeep of the facility

Christ House

Mission—"The mission of Christ House is to provide comprehensive and compassionate health care to sick, homeless persons in the District of Columbia, and to assist them in addressing critical issues to help break the cycle of homelessness."

What They Do—free health care, food services, patient activities, pastoral care, Bible studies

Ways to Get Involved—volunteer to answer the phone, help make/serve food, or participate in patient activities

Habitat for Humanity

Mission—“Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.”

What They Do—“Habitat for Humanity partners with people in your community, and all over the world, to help them build or improve a place they can call home. Habitat homeowners help build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage. With your support, Habitat homeowners achieve the strength, stability and independence they need to build a better life for themselves and for their families.”

Ways to Get Involved—help build!


Prison Ministry

Prison Fellowship

Mission—“Prison Fellowship seeks to restore those affected by crime and incarceration by introducing prisoners, victims, and their families to a new hope available through Jesus Christ.”

What They Do— In prisons: evangelism events, bible studies, discipleship courses, mentorship opportunities, life-skill classes, reentry programs; After prison:mentorships and life-skill classes; Other:minister to families, advocate for restorative justice reform, empowering great wardens

Ways to Get Involved—lead Bible studies or life skills classes, be a mentor, help with special events, justice reform advocacy, be a reentry partner, pray


Not Explicitly Christian Organizations

Mentorship, Tutoring, and Support for the Family


Higher Achievement

Latino Student Fund

For the Love of Children

The Northwest Pregnancy Center

Homelessness & Health Care

Bethesda Cares

Community of Hope

Job Training

Jubilee Jobs

DC Central Kitchen


Worship through Prayer

Father, blessed be your name! We praise you for your great love and faithfulness!

In your great love and faithfulness, you chose people for yourself. And you did not choose good people, but wicked ones. You did not choose clean people but dirty ones. You did not choose loving people, but hateful, envious, selfish ones. You chose them to showcase your love and glory.

If we were to choose people to come into our presence, to bring close to us, to share our wealth and glory with them, to love and protect, we would not choose people like you chose. We would put them to test and take only the ones that pass. The people you chose are failures, in every sense of the word, and you chose them, for your glory, to turn them into sons and daughters.

If we were to choose people to save, we would do it at arms-length. We would definitely not save our enemies. To the ones weak enough not to be a threat or nice enough to be friendly, we would give some money, time and advice, we would become angry at the injustice they suffer and call for reformation or revolution, but we wouldn’t hug them, become homeless in their stead, take the sickness upon ourselves or die for their wrongs. But you gave your one and only son, Jesus Christ, for us.

And you promised them an inheritance and you gave them a pledge, the Holy Spirit. How amazing is your love and faithfulness!

Father, we confess we are wicked, hateful, envious, selfish and forgetful. This past week we forgot your promise of eternal life and the promise of your inheritance, and we worried about our studies and about our career prospects and families. In our desire to protect and promote ourselves, we crafted narratives about how we are better than other people. We sought our own interest and did not care about the people next to us. Our hearts prodded us to indulge in lust, pride and greed and we followed the impulses of our hearts.

Father, forgive us our sin! Transform us through the Holy Spirit.

We thank you, Father, for your mercy and forgiveness, which we have by faith in Christ. We thank you that you shepherd us onto the right path, even as we try to turn left and right. We thank you that you show us grace. We thank you for the daily bread and that our names are written in heaven. We thank you for the great shepherd, Jesus, who stands between you and us, who guides us into the promised land and who is preparing a place for us.

We pray Father for love for you and for faith to believe that you are a good and loving God. We pray that we would love your commandments and your Word. We pray that we would appreciate the boundaries you have put in our lives. We pray that we rejoice in your promises more than in the momentary comforts which you have so graciously provided.

Help us, Father, “set aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us” and help us “run the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus,[…] who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God”. (Heb. 12:1-2)

We pray Father for the ones struggling in our midst right now. Please grant relief to those in pain, peace to the restless, comfort to those who mourn and mercy to those who are fighting physical ailments. We pray you provide jobs and guidance for those looking for work.

Father, we pray for the Gospel, that it may spread in Northwest DC. We pray that you soften the hearts of the people around us and reveal your truth to them. Make us bold, strong and courageous in proclaiming the Gospel.

Father, we pray for the Gospel, that it may spread in NK and Bur. You love all people and you do not take pleasure in death, but in life. Please grant light and life to the peoples in these countries. Do not allow oppressive and idolatrous societies to hold back your Word. Protect our brothers and sisters in these countries and empower them!

In Christ’s name, Amen.

Spiritual Warfare: Defense & Offense

Brothers and sisters, we are in a fight - not against flesh and blood, but a spiritual battle. How do we fight the good fight? What does it look like to put on the armor of God? Listen as we discuss these questions as it relates to spiritual warfare.

Spiritual Warfare: Design & Intentions

What role does God play when it comes to spiritual warfare? What is the Evil One trying to accomplish? Listen as we briefly consider these questions and more.

Spiritual Warfare Through False Teaching

What comes to mind when you think of spiritual warfare? What is one of Satan's primary tactics for enticing rebellion against our Creator? Listen as Nathan and Joey begin a new series of podcasts on spiritual warfare through false teaching.

Why Preach Judges?

Soon we'll begin a 13-week sermon series through the book of Judges. How do we select which books to preach? And why are we preaching Judges? Listen to find out and learn how you can prepare for these sermons.

Giving Thanks for 2017

All throughout Scriptures we are called to give thanks to God. Even in the midst of turbulent times and difficult circumstances, we have reasons to praise God. Listen as Nathan and Joey do just that - give God thanks for some of what he has done in 2017.

Best Books of 2017

Looking for book recommendations? Listen as Nathan, Joey and Kathryn discuss their favorite reads from this past year.

Worship through Prayer


God, you are an eternal God. A year has just flown by, and you were with each of us every second of the day. You knew our every thought. You related to us at every step. The enormity of your presence in the past year alone is impossible for us to comprehend. And 2017 was only one year out of an eternity for you.

We thank you that you were God Emmanuel, God with us, and we look forward to the day when we are not listening to the harps on the farther shore, but we are playing them, together, rejoicing in your name.

  • We will rejoice at your nearness, at your majesty, at your beauty.
  • Everything in this world eventually gets old to us in some way, but somehow you will never cease to amaze us. We marvel at your greatness to come.


God, while you have given us a path to not only enjoy you in heaven, but to enjoy you here, our hearts have sought lesser pleasures apart from you, rebelling against you.

We confess this week that we have

  • Fought with our family, spouses, inlaws, parents, children and roommates
  • We have not sought first to understand, but have instead sought to impose our way, even if subtly
  • We confess that while we have received many gifts, we have not been generous with you
    • We have grumbled when we have given our taxes, instead of praying that our taxes would be used well to help the poor
    • We have only given out of our excesses instead of our margins.
    • We have looked condescendingly on the homeless or others who have not measured up
  • You have provided us with our every need, and yet we have worried about 2018 and beyond.
    • We have worried about future school and career plans, our relationship status, and our children or childlessness
    • As we wrestle with these real struggles, we pray that we would not turn to anxiety, but instead come to you with our open hearts.
  • Lord, help us confess the following sins to you now: anger, jealousy, prayerlessness, lust, and impatience.
  • Lord, would you please show us the peace that comes with trusting you and your commands, and how your way is the best way for us right now, that we might run in your path?

Father, we thank you that you happily forgive us with certainty.


And because you don’t hold our sins against us, we happily come to you to give you thanks.

  • We thank you for bringing us through another year.
    • We thank you for the sermon series in Philippians this year, and the series on the Five Solas, and how you used your Word every Sunday to change us one degree at a time.
    • We thank you for Joey and Nathan, and how they have committed the prime of their lives to preach the Word to us.
    • And we thank you for the churches many of us have visited over the holidays, as we traveled.
    • It’s amazing how rapidly your churches have spread over the last century, and we praise you that we are not alone this Sunday in preaching your word.
    • We pray for local churches that preach your Word nearby.
      • Montrose Baptist in Rockville
      • Franconia Baptist in Alexandria.
    • We thank you for members you have brought to Restoration.
      • We thank you for R and C.
      • H, C and R.
      • J and J
  • We thank you for the Campus Outreach conference going on right now, and we pray that the words spoken at the conference would bear fruit, particularly in the lives of the four students from American University who attended.


Lord, You have given us so many reasons to be thankful, but we know you are generous, so we bring even more requests to you.

  • We pray for those in our church.
    • We pray for those morning the loss of family members or close friends this year. Would you be near to them in this season?
    • We pray for those mothers who are caring for sick children during these long winter days. We pray that the mothers in our church would understand that their work caring for their children is no less important than the President’s work in your eyes. And we pray that we as a church would esteem the work of raising up children.
    • We also pray for mothers juggling caring for children and work in the economy. Would you please sustain them in the difficult days?
  • We pray for relationships in our congregation.
    • We pray that we all would grow in appreciating each other. We pray that we would value each other just as you value us.
    • We pray that we would be inconvenienced in some way this week to serve someone else in our church.
    • In all our relationships here, we pray that in humility we would value others above ourselves.

Lord, we also pray for our world.

  • We pray for those struggling with depression, both here today and in our communities.
  • We pray for those who are struggling with chronic physical pain.
  • We pray for poor churches serving poor communities in our country. We ask for your blessings on churches meeting in McDowell County, West Virginia and in the Navajo Nation in the southwest. We often feel overwhelmed at Restoration with all of our problems, but we pray for churches in these communities where broken families may be the norm.
  • You show your care for good governance in scripture, so we pray for Zimbabwe and Iran. We pray that their governance would grow increasingly just in the coming year.
  • And we pray for the Ends of the Earth: over 300,000 Kondah Dorah people in India. We pray that you would use the few hundred Christians in this group to reach their neighbors.

Finally, we come back to this church. Would you please:

  • Move through us this morning as you bless us with the preaching of your Word?

We ask this in Jesus' Name, Amen.

Mission Update: CO @ AU

Listen to learn more about Campus Outreach and the work they are doing on the campus of American University.