RKids Training: Stages of Growth

This podcast is the first in a series for RKids disciplers and parents as we think about how to disciple the children of Restoration Church. In this episode, we discuss how kids learn and grow and how their different stages of development should inform the way we teach in the various RKids classrooms.

Worship through Prayer


You, O Lord, are a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.

When we think of who you are, we are reminded that we are not like you, and we are comforted to know that the God who controls the universe is One upon whom we can depend. Lord we praise you because you are not only strong  - but you are also very good - and good to us.

You are steadfast in your love and completely faithful to us. We could never say this of ourselves - nor of any other human being. But you are constant, unchanging and dependable. Your word is full of many wonderful promises. You have accomplished many of them - and that gives us confidence that your promises for our future will also be accomplished.

You are merciful and gracious. This is seen most clearly in the cross. We read that there is no one righteous - not even one. We all have gone our own way and disregarded your righteous claim as king over our lives. While you are slow to anger, and very patient, our treason has left us in peril - we have offended the One who holds our very life in His hands. Yet in the Cross we see Christ, the One who knew no sin, no treason, no rebellion, stepping into our place and bearing your righteous anger, for our sin, on our behalf. Your grace and mercy are rich and immeasurable. In the coming ages this kindness to us, in Christ will be the subject of eternal marvelling and praise.

We confess this morning that even as your chosen people, we have been divided in our affections. We have been double minded - trying to love both you and the world at the same time. The world preaches to us a dream of prosperity found in many places apart from you. And we have often believed it; a satisfying & fulfilling career, a hefty bank balance, a spouse, children, houses, furniture, technology, or just a life of hassle free comfort. Your word tells us: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water.

Forgive us Lord for looking for life in many wrong places. Please convince us that you are truly the fountain of living water, cleanse us and draw us to yourself that our thirst may be quenched.

Lord we pray for both our own needs and those of the world around us.

We pray for all those whose lives have been turned upside down by the Florida school shooting this past week. Comfort the grieving, heal the bodies and minds of those physically injured and emotionally scarred. Give city officials and lawmakers wisdom to protect school children from these kinds of attacks. And we pray for Nikolas Cruz, the gunman, that he would recognize the evil he has committed and turn in broken repentance to Christ who offered forgiveness to the criminal dying next to him on the cross.

We pray for our city and its officials. We ask that senior public officials would be marked by integrity and transparency. We pray against corruption and that those who hold power would use it in a humble posture of service to the people of this city.

We pray for the spread of your gospel and the establishment of a biblical, kurdish speaking church in NIQ. We ask for your blessing on the weekly gathering of kurdish believers in the city that our church has invested in. We ask for maturity in these disciples and that you would raise up local leaders who are equipped to shepherd and teach. We ask that the NT will be printed this year.

Lastly we pray for ourselves at RC.

Thank you for the joy of the baptisms this morning as they follow Christ in our midst. May we spur each other on toward love and good works. Help us to plan our schedules prioritizing being together both corporately and more informally to  serve one another and fellowship together.  

And now, prepare our hearts to hear your word. May we listen and act upon what we hear. In Christ' name, Amen.

Worship through Prayer

Our Father in heaven. We come to you this morning, and we cry out, “Abba, Father” we cry. We come to you in the name of your eternal Son, Jesus Christ. We come as adopted sons and daughters. We pray not to manipulate you into loving us; no, we come in prayer because, before the foundation of the world, you set your affection upon us.

Our Father in Heaven Hallowed be Your Name. From the rising of the sun to its setting, may Your Name be praised and be great among the nations! Among Behdini Kurds and Haitians. Among the unreached in Macedonia. Hallow your name Lord. Advance the gospel of Jesus Christ. Declare your glory among the nations, your marvelous works among all the peoples! Holy is the Lord, God Almighty! The earth is filled with his glory.

O Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Your Name, Your Kingdom Come, May all the ends of the earth remember and turn to You, and all the families of the nations worship before You. For kingship belongs to You; You rule over the nations. Oh, save Your people and bless Your heritage! Be our Shepherd and carry us forever! You are our King, O God! You are the King of all the earth! Your throne is forever and ever! May we seek to advance the gospel. Holy Spirit, help us be strong and courageous. Give us the boldness to share the good news of Jesus with friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors and classmates that we might make disciples that delight in the supremacy of Jesus Christ. Use us to make disciples of the impoverished and marginalized. Use our brother Jeremy McClain as he plants Mercy of Christ Fellowship. Continue to prosper the work of Garden City Church and One Hope in Baltimore.

Your Kingdom Come and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Make us to know Your ways, O Lord. Teach us Your paths. Teach us to do Your will. Remind us that your commandments are for our good. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. Not our will, but Yours be done!

Give us this day our daily bread. We come to you completely and utterly dependent upon you, O Lord. You graciously provide all that we need to seek and enjoy you. Remind us that we have is a good gift from you. We are thankful for the many ways you provide for us – clothes, food, friends and so much more. Satisfy us with righteousness and remind us You are our portion forever. We pray for those looking for jobs. Grant them patience and perseverance. We pray for M&C – may their love for you and each other grow as they display Christ and the church in their marriage. We pray for B and S and L and F. Grow them in holiness and fill their joy full as they look to Jesus Christ. We pray for L and E and L and J. Grant the these brothers and sisters grace to delight in Christ as they help others do the same.

Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. We confess our iniquity; we are sorry for our sin. Have mercy on us, O God. Help us put to death what is earthly in us: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. We confess our anger and harsh words and greed and substance abuse. Wash us thoroughly from our iniquity, and cleanse us from our sin! For Your name’s sake, O Lord, pardon our guilt for it is great. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and You the LORD has laid on him the Christ the iniquity of us all. For our sake You made him, Jesus, who knew no sin, to that in him we might become the righteousness of God. There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus – Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Lead us not into temptation…but deliver us from Evil We do not ask that you take us out of the world, but that you keep us from the evil one. Restore us; let Your face shine, that we may be saved. For the glory of Your name, deliver us and atone for our sins, for Your name’s sake. For Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory forever and ever.

Apply What You Learned at Engage 2018!

As we talked about at Engage 2018, there are a variety of ways to serve and disciple those who are in poverty. We should look for ways to serve with intentionality and consistency at the individual level. This can and should be done informally and directly through the church. But, it also can be done by partnering with organizations that are doing good work in the community, like the ones in the list below! These orgs serve the poor of DC in a biblical and effective way, respecting the dignity of all of God's image bearers, empowering those who are in poverty to use their gifts and talents, and targeting not only material but also the social, spiritual, and psychological aspects of poverty.


Mentorships, Tutoring, and Family Ministries

The Porch/Youth for Christ Washington, DC

Mission—"The Porch makes disciples of Jesus Christ by creating safe and welcoming space for youth in DC to experience God's love, hope and healing."

What They Do—large and small group Bible studies, discipleship and mentorship relationships, retreat and camps, empower and equip leaders, teach life skills, support parents/families, connect youth with resources

Ways to Get Involved— Mentoring, providing meals, small group dinner host, transportation help, event support, admin assistance

Little Lights

Mission—“Little Lights Urban Ministries empowers underserved youth, families, and communities in Washington DC by sharing the hope of Christ through compassionate action, caring relationships, and racial reconciliation.”

What They Do—For children: Christian mentorships and tutoring; For teens/adults: Christian life coaching, workforce development program, race literacy classes, diaper distribution, worship services for youth and adults, seasonal activities (Christmas store, Thanksgiving baskets, summer camp, back to school supplies)

Ways to Get Involved—mentorship, tutoring, helping with worship services/youth groups, seasonal help, admin skills, maintaining the computer lab, and more!

DC127/Safe Families

Mission—DC127 fights poverty by supporting strong families. Their mission is “uniting to reverse the foster care wait list in Washington, DC.”

What They Do—"We work to both recruit and support foster and adoptive homes, and prevent children from entering the child welfare system by supporting families in crisis through our partnership with the Safe Families for Children movement."

Ways to Get Involved—Support foster families, serve on a safe families team by being a friend to the parent, hosting kids in your home, or helping facilitate the team


Homelessness, Health Care, and Affordable Housing

Central Union Mission // Mission Muffins

Mission—“Meeting the needs of our city's homeless and hurting people [by providing] shelter, hot meals, medical care, job training and compassionate care to transform lives here in the Washington D.C., metropolitan area."

What They Do—provides food, showers, a warm place to sleep, job training, spiritual transformation program, health care services, and more

Ways to Get Involved—order muffins and scones from mission muffins (one of the Mission's job training programs), help by serving/cleaning up dinner or helping with upkeep of the facility

Christ House

Mission—"The mission of Christ House is to provide comprehensive and compassionate health care to sick, homeless persons in the District of Columbia, and to assist them in addressing critical issues to help break the cycle of homelessness."

What They Do—free health care, food services, patient activities, pastoral care, Bible studies

Ways to Get Involved—volunteer to answer the phone, help make/serve food, or participate in patient activities

Habitat for Humanity

Mission—“Seeking to put God’s love into action, Habitat for Humanity brings people together to build homes, communities and hope.”

What They Do—“Habitat for Humanity partners with people in your community, and all over the world, to help them build or improve a place they can call home. Habitat homeowners help build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage. With your support, Habitat homeowners achieve the strength, stability and independence they need to build a better life for themselves and for their families.”

Ways to Get Involved—help build!


Prison Ministry

Prison Fellowship

Mission—“Prison Fellowship seeks to restore those affected by crime and incarceration by introducing prisoners, victims, and their families to a new hope available through Jesus Christ.”

What They Do— In prisons: evangelism events, bible studies, discipleship courses, mentorship opportunities, life-skill classes, reentry programs; After prison:mentorships and life-skill classes; Other:minister to families, advocate for restorative justice reform, empowering great wardens

Ways to Get Involved—lead Bible studies or life skills classes, be a mentor, help with special events, justice reform advocacy, be a reentry partner, pray


Not Explicitly Christian Organizations

Mentorship, Tutoring, and Support for the Family


Higher Achievement

Latino Student Fund

For the Love of Children

The Northwest Pregnancy Center

Homelessness & Health Care

Bethesda Cares

Community of Hope

Job Training

Jubilee Jobs

DC Central Kitchen


Worship through Prayer

Father, blessed be your name! We praise you for your great love and faithfulness!

In your great love and faithfulness, you chose people for yourself. And you did not choose good people, but wicked ones. You did not choose clean people but dirty ones. You did not choose loving people, but hateful, envious, selfish ones. You chose them to showcase your love and glory.

If we were to choose people to come into our presence, to bring close to us, to share our wealth and glory with them, to love and protect, we would not choose people like you chose. We would put them to test and take only the ones that pass. The people you chose are failures, in every sense of the word, and you chose them, for your glory, to turn them into sons and daughters.

If we were to choose people to save, we would do it at arms-length. We would definitely not save our enemies. To the ones weak enough not to be a threat or nice enough to be friendly, we would give some money, time and advice, we would become angry at the injustice they suffer and call for reformation or revolution, but we wouldn’t hug them, become homeless in their stead, take the sickness upon ourselves or die for their wrongs. But you gave your one and only son, Jesus Christ, for us.

And you promised them an inheritance and you gave them a pledge, the Holy Spirit. How amazing is your love and faithfulness!

Father, we confess we are wicked, hateful, envious, selfish and forgetful. This past week we forgot your promise of eternal life and the promise of your inheritance, and we worried about our studies and about our career prospects and families. In our desire to protect and promote ourselves, we crafted narratives about how we are better than other people. We sought our own interest and did not care about the people next to us. Our hearts prodded us to indulge in lust, pride and greed and we followed the impulses of our hearts.

Father, forgive us our sin! Transform us through the Holy Spirit.

We thank you, Father, for your mercy and forgiveness, which we have by faith in Christ. We thank you that you shepherd us onto the right path, even as we try to turn left and right. We thank you that you show us grace. We thank you for the daily bread and that our names are written in heaven. We thank you for the great shepherd, Jesus, who stands between you and us, who guides us into the promised land and who is preparing a place for us.

We pray Father for love for you and for faith to believe that you are a good and loving God. We pray that we would love your commandments and your Word. We pray that we would appreciate the boundaries you have put in our lives. We pray that we rejoice in your promises more than in the momentary comforts which you have so graciously provided.

Help us, Father, “set aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us” and help us “run the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus,[…] who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God”. (Heb. 12:1-2)

We pray Father for the ones struggling in our midst right now. Please grant relief to those in pain, peace to the restless, comfort to those who mourn and mercy to those who are fighting physical ailments. We pray you provide jobs and guidance for those looking for work.

Father, we pray for the Gospel, that it may spread in Northwest DC. We pray that you soften the hearts of the people around us and reveal your truth to them. Make us bold, strong and courageous in proclaiming the Gospel.

Father, we pray for the Gospel, that it may spread in NK and Bur. You love all people and you do not take pleasure in death, but in life. Please grant light and life to the peoples in these countries. Do not allow oppressive and idolatrous societies to hold back your Word. Protect our brothers and sisters in these countries and empower them!

In Christ’s name, Amen.

Worship through Prayer

Mighty, Majestic, and most powerful God, blessed be your Name. We praise you for your infinite grace, love, and mercy. How you have existed from before time began and how you will always exist as you are from eternity. You are glorious and your righteousness is complete, lacking nothing. You are light and in you is no darkness. Most of all, Lord, you are Holy. Transcendantly Pure. High and lifted up. Even now as we pray to you, the angels sing of your glory! Oh God, teach us to call these things to mind regularly.

How easily we fall into saying these things without thinking of them. We so often live in such a way as to neglect the strength of your might! We talk of your justice, your might, your power, or your eternality as though we were talking about the weather and yet we quickly shudder at the impending loss of a job, a relationship, or the threat of someone else. Oh God, have mercy on us.

Lift our eyes up to see your Transcendant glory and rehearse it for ourselves regularly. Teach us, yet again Lord, to fear you more than we fear the trifles of this world. Grow our understanding of your strength, your justice, and your purity. Remind us of passages that teach us that we cannot hide from you. We may be able to hide from others, but we cannot hide ourselves from you. Remind us that a Day of Judgment is coming soon and it will be real and it will be total. We shudder to talk about such things as they seem so harsh, and yet, they're real.

Oh God, we rightly want to emphasize your steadfast love, your grace, your mercy, your many kindnesses, but Father, there is something within us that is hesitant to emphasize your Justice and your Holiness. There is something that wants to minimize you and make your more manageable so that we don’t have to deal with the fact that, as the Psalmist says, the mountains melt like wax before you. Or in other places of Scripture, how you look to the earth and it trembles.

May we worship you, God, yes for your tender and steadfast love. But Lord, may we worship you all the more for your Holiness.

Forgive us for the way we don’t rehearse these things. Forgive us for how casually we live as your children. Neglecting your commands and emphasizing our liberties. Forgive us for abusing grace and counting on mercy. Forgive us for the ways we lose sight of your anger in our selfish anger towards others. Forgive us for the ways we feel entitled, arrogant, or privileged when we only loom as large as ants in your presence.

Lord, I pray a dangerous thing. I pray you humble us in the midst of your glory. Make us more and more like your Son as you remind us more and more of your Strength. You tell us, that "this is the one to whom you will look, he who is humble and contrite and TREMBLES at your word." And Lord, we so rarely are contrite and we so rarely TREMBLE at your word. Lift up our eyes to you, oh God. Grant that we may not abuse the forgiveness that you so generously give us. May we fear you as you forgive us.

Thank you Lord, that you are so patient with us. Thank you for the blood of Jesus Christ who forgives us of all our sins and allows us, as we learned last week, to come into your Holy presence, clean and undefiled. Hallelujah.

Lord, I continue to pray for the men of this church. May we hear more and more testimonies of men being more and more disciplined. Waking up early to spend time with you in the word and in prayer. May we hear more and more men loving their wives and their children, diligently teaching them to know God and to love neighbor. Grant that more and more single men would join this church and have undivided devotion in making disciples. May Restoration Church be a place that is known for its love for God and its cultivation of Biblical men. A place where passivity, laziness, slothfulness, is not tolerated. And a place where responsibility, courage, and hard work is celebrated. God, grant Restoration Church to be a community that raises up godly men.

God, thank you for the many, many women that reflect Biblical femininity in this church. Where we pray for more Biblical masculinity, Lord, I praise you for the pervasive presence of so many godly women in this church. Thank you for the ways so many women in our church are spurring one another on towards Biblical fidelity. Your grace is so overwhelmingly abundant among the women of our church and we thank you.

Father, we want to praise you for the work of Haiti Love. Thank you for Pastor C, E, and N for the ways they have been training up other pastors to lead healthy churches that will serve the poor and build communities that are salt and light to their country. Lord, we thank you for the ways the Haitian people have taught us so much about what it means to be content, to be joyful, and thankful with so little in the eyes of the world. How they have shown us resilience and kindness. May the people of Haiti begin to send more and more laborers into the harvest of not only their communities but also to ours and to other nations around the world.

Finally, Father, we pray that through the ministry of Restoration Church we would see a bevy of evangelistic fruit in 2018. I thank you, Lord, for the many testimonies of this church and how they are sharing the Gospel with the lost. God, grant that we may see a harvest from our Gospel proclamations this year. May the baptismal waters stir here with new believers born unto you. We ask that you would do that especially amongst the Spanish speakers of our city. Grant that A, M, C, A, R, and B would consistently be calling those that do not believe to believe. May Iglesia Biblical Sublime Gracia be a church that grows as a result of evangelism.

We love you, Lord. And we thank you for the privilege of being your children. We thank you for the hope of heaven and we thank you for the joy of making disciples. May we lean into all of these things as we display your glory in the church, your Bride. Blessed be your great name. Amen.