Assurance of Salvation

Are you born again? In his April 19 message, Nathan used the text of Matthew 7:21 to 23 consider this question. There Jesus asserts he will say he “never knew” many who did “mighty works” in His name. Nathan closed noting, “For some of you, you are wondering if that is you…you are wondering which camp/pen you are in: With the Sheep or with the Goats?”

JCRyleSaid another way, can you know if you really love God or if you just think you do? Nathan turned to J.C. Ryle, a great English preacher of the 19th Century, for questions that can direct our minds in this consideration.

Thus, for your consideration, here are these questions to ponder, as paraphrased by Nathan. We pray they would prompt greater reliance on Christ!


  1. Do you like to think about Him?
  1. Do you like to hear about Him?
  1. Do you like to read about Him?
  1. Do you love the Lord’s Friends? That is, do you love the church…the people He gave His life for?
  1. Do you love the Honor of Jesus? Do you revel in it, want it to be seen and advanced?
  1. Do you love to talk to Jesus?
  1. Do you love the Lord and Do you desire to obey Him?
  1. Finally: Would you love to be with Jesus?