Love Earnestly

Yesterday’s sermon from 1 Peter 1:23-2:3 challenged us to “love one another earnestly from a pure heart.” But what about the unloveable…do we have to love them too? Yes; here are 10 reasons we must do so:

  1. God loves them.
  2. We show the power of the gospel by loving all people.
  3. We live in Christian obedience when we show love toward all.
  4. Some unlovable church members need Jesus.
  5. Some unlovable church members are undiscipled believers acting like undiscipled people.
  6. Love motivates our praying for unlovable church members.
  7. Loving unlovable church members is an act of faith.
  8. Unlovable people are often loners, and loners need help winning spiritual battles.
  9. Only genuine love allows us to carry out church discipline when needed.
  10. We are all sometimes unlovable.