Worship through Prayer

Heavenly Father,

You are truly worthy of the central place in our lives and our affections. You are God – and in your eternal power, your splendour and your perfect love – you stand apart from all others.

We worship you this morning because you are Eternal. You are not constrained by the passing of time. You stand outside of it and the passing of a thousand years is like a few hours in a day to you.

Unlike the powerful and mighty in our world, the years in no way bring change to you or your majestic rule over your creation. From everlasting to everlasting – you are God.

By comparison the longer we live, the shorter the span of our years appear to us. Your word tells us that we are like grass – that grows up quickly and then withers. Here nothing stays the same for long, we change, our family changes, our friends change, our circumstances change.

Our mortality should humble us and drive us to our knees in dependance upon you. Yet in so many ways we occupy ourselves with temporal goals in view.

  • We believe and embrace the lie that we control our own destiny – and that if we try hard enough we can accomplish anything we want.

  • We are often selfish with our time – using it to serve our own interests rather than your purposes and the interests of others.

  • We often think about and use our money as if it is completely ours to use as we wish

  • We accumulate possessions forgetting that moth and rust will destroy and will thieves will break in and steal.

  • We often forget Jesus’ words that …whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it.

Lord forgive us and help us. Forgive us for our short-sightedness.

Thank you for the Cross and the assurance of your mercy and forgiveness because of Christ. Thank you that He has born the penalty that we deserve and that we need not fear your anger. We thank you that we are now your Children, chosen in Christ before the foundation of the world, adopted into your family, and destined for eternal joy in the your heavenly Kingdom.

We ask this morning that you would teach us both individually and as a church to number our days aright that we might gain a heart of wisdom.

  • May the reality of your sovereignty and our complete dependance upon you for our every breath inform the way that we live day by day.

  • As the summer draws to a close and many of us anticipate the beginning of new things – school, jobs, sports – may we be determined to approach these things putting Christ in the center and his purposes paramount

As many of our children begin a new year at school over coming weeks we pray for them.

  • We ask that your glorious power and works would be known by them. Bring the children to a personal knowledge of Christ and decision to follow him.

  • We ask that you would help them to live as disciples of Christ amongst their friends. Give them increasing discernment and wisdom – and courage to go your way.

  • Help the parents to persevere in training their children through instruction and discipline in the Lord. Give us wisdom when we don’t know what to do and encouragement from one another.

  • We pray for school administrators and teachers in our city. May they recognize the stewardship they have been given and use their authority and roles for good in the lives of the children under their instruction.

  • We pray for good role models for our children. We pray for Hector and others at FCA as they form relationships and speak of Christ. Use this ministry to encourage and bring the gospel to many.

We also pray that gospel would continue to go forth in the ripe harvest field of the Middle East.

  • Thank you for the workers in that region who have obeyed your call to preach the gospel to the nations. Help them to persevere in learning the language, and building relationships with local people. Protect them from discouragement.

  • We pray for the small group of believers who meet each Friday to open your word together. We pray for growth in maturity and courage to live as your disciples despite the high cost.

  • We pray that the scriptures would be translated clearly and accurately and be available soon. Ask they you would build your church in that place.

Lastly, pray for Nathan as he comes to open your word in a few minutes. Please give us hungry hearts and help us to be doers of your word.

In Christ’s Name, Amen.