Worship through Prayer

Infinitely glorious God, we come to you this morning. We praise your name. We confess our sins knowing that in Jesus Christ we have forgiveness and pardon and peace and forever joy. How glorious and gracious you are, O Lord God Almighty.

Your Word tells us that thanksgiving glorifies your name. So, this morning, we give thanks. We thank you for life and breath. We thank you for food to eat and clothes to wear. We thank you for rays of sun and drops of rain. We thank you for songs to sing. We thank you for your perfect Word, the Bible. We thank you for budding flowers and blossoming trees. We thank you for the beauty of art and those who are creative. We thank you for the coherence of math and for those who understand it. We thank you for the various tastes of our tongue: sweet, sour, savory. We thank you for the smell of lavender and of freshly baked cookies. We thank you for this church family and the many ways you are at work in us and through us. We thank you for the 50+ ladies that went on the women’s retreat.

For the glory of your name, Lord, use us to advance the good news of Jesus Christ. Give us the boldness and courage to speak of Christ with our neighbors, classmates, co-workers, family members and friends. Give us the grace to speak with convictional kindness that we might show the excellencies of Jesus Christ. Use us Lord, to advance the gospel to our neighbors and to the nations. We pray for the gospel work in Northern Iraq. Continue to use R&E, J&J, K, L and the other workers to speak of Jesus Christ crucified and resurrected. Grant them favor with their neighbors and friends. As they speak of Jesus give them appropriate words and understanding of a language not of their native tongue. We pray for the translation of the Bible. For the sake of Jesus Christ, see that this work is completed soon. We pray for other faithful churches in DC – Capitol Hill Baptist, GraceDC, Redeemer City, Redemption Hill, Veritas Church, Pillar DC – bless these brothers and sisters as they seek the exalt Jesus Christ.

We pray for our life together as a church. Holy Spirit fill us anew this day that we might pursue and promote and protect our unity in the gospel. Give us the grace to rejoice at each other’s happiness and tenderly bear each other’s burdens. Give us the humility to not seek our own preferences. Give us words of wisdom to encourage each other, and when necessary, exhort one another. Let us consider how to prioritize gathering with the church body on Sunday mornings, even when seems inconvenient. Let us consider how to give generously of our finances being reminded we cannot worship both God and money.

Use each one of our Community Groups as a place where we help each other mature in Christ and mutually care for one another. We pray for our CG Leaders: D&M, D&L, C&F, E&J, D&H, N&W, D&P, N&C, T&M, L&L, E&J. Give these brothers and sisters the grace to lead with joy and stir us up for love and good deeds. We pray for our deacons: M, D, S, M, and L. Thank you for the selflessness of these brothers and sisters who work behind the scenes. Bless them, we pray.

Father, this morning we are mindful of the brokenness of the world. As missiles fly and refugee camps overflow, we are reminded of the fragility of life. We pray for world leaders as they make decisions literally regarding life and death for so many. Surround President Trump, Prime Minister Theresa May, President Emmanuel Marcon with wise counselors. Bring peace to the turmoil in Syria. We plead, O Lord, we plead for your sovereign grace to abound in the brokenness of this world.

And as our Lord Jesus, taught us, we pray together:

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.

Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For yours is the kingdom, and the power and the glory

Forever and ever. Amen.