Worship through Prayer


You, O Lord, are a merciful and gracious God, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.

When we think of who you are, we are reminded that we are not like you, and we are comforted to know that the God who controls the universe is One upon whom we can depend. Lord we praise you because you are not only strong  – but you are also very good – and good to us.

You are steadfast in your love and completely faithful to us. We could never say this of ourselves – nor of any other human being. But you are constant, unchanging and dependable. Your word is full of many wonderful promises. You have accomplished many of them – and that gives us confidence that your promises for our future will also be accomplished.

You are merciful and gracious. This is seen most clearly in the cross. We read that there is no one righteous – not even one. We all have gone our own way and disregarded your righteous claim as king over our lives. While you are slow to anger, and very patient, our treason has left us in peril – we have offended the One who holds our very life in His hands. Yet in the Cross we see Christ, the One who knew no sin, no treason, no rebellion, stepping into our place and bearing your righteous anger, for our sin, on our behalf. Your grace and mercy are rich and immeasurable. In the coming ages this kindness to us, in Christ will be the subject of eternal marvelling and praise.

We confess this morning that even as your chosen people, we have been divided in our affections. We have been double minded – trying to love both you and the world at the same time. The world preaches to us a dream of prosperity found in many places apart from you. And we have often believed it; a satisfying & fulfilling career, a hefty bank balance, a spouse, children, houses, furniture, technology, or just a life of hassle free comfort. Your word tells us: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water.

Forgive us Lord for looking for life in many wrong places. Please convince us that you are truly the fountain of living water, cleanse us and draw us to yourself that our thirst may be quenched.

Lord we pray for both our own needs and those of the world around us.

We pray for all those whose lives have been turned upside down by the Florida school shooting this past week. Comfort the grieving, heal the bodies and minds of those physically injured and emotionally scarred. Give city officials and lawmakers wisdom to protect school children from these kinds of attacks. And we pray for Nikolas Cruz, the gunman, that he would recognize the evil he has committed and turn in broken repentance to Christ who offered forgiveness to the criminal dying next to him on the cross.

We pray for our city and its officials. We ask that senior public officials would be marked by integrity and transparency. We pray against corruption and that those who hold power would use it in a humble posture of service to the people of this city.

We pray for the spread of your gospel and the establishment of a biblical, kurdish speaking church in NIQ. We ask for your blessing on the weekly gathering of kurdish believers in the city that our church has invested in. We ask for maturity in these disciples and that you would raise up local leaders who are equipped to shepherd and teach. We ask that the NT will be printed this year.

Lastly we pray for ourselves at RC.

Thank you for the joy of the baptisms this morning as they follow Christ in our midst. May we spur each other on toward love and good works. Help us to plan our schedules prioritizing being together both corporately and more informally to  serve one another and fellowship together.  

And now, prepare our hearts to hear your word. May we listen and act upon what we hear. In Christ’ name, Amen.