Worship through Prayer

O God, you are our God, our rock and our redeemer. Our souls long and thirst for you. Your steadfast love is better than life; your grace refreshing to our inmost being; your mercy sweet to the taste buds of our soul. We will bless your name as long as we live. Satisfy us, Lord, satisfy us with your steadfast love that we might be glad and rejoice and delight in the sweet supremacy of Jesus Christ, who faced death that we might have abundant life, who defeated the grave we might rejoice in our heavenly hope. Yes, Lord we praise you above all.

Father, this morning we rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. We know that on a day like Mother’s Day there are so many different emotions that we bring to you. We thank you for the godly mothers among us. We thank you for those of us here who had godly mothers growing up. We thank you for the new mothers here this morning.

Father, what a gift you have given to us in mothers – their compassion and tenderness and wisdom and strength and intelligence. We pray for the moms among us – give them strength where they are weak, wisdom where they are unsure, patience with the many demands placed upon them, faith in your care for them and their families.

And we pray for those of us here who have a hard time on a day like today. We pray for those who have lost their mother, whether that’s recently or many years ago. Give them grace we pray. We pray for those who have a strained relationship with their mom or never knew her at all. We ask this morning Lord that you would meet us in our pain, heal our hearts where they are wounded, soften our hearts where they are hardened, and enable us to forgive and to love even those who have hurt us.

Some here this morning are saddened on a day like today because they long to be a wife that they might be a mom, or they long to have children, and yet are not able to do so. Father of mercies, give us comfort in our sadness, help us all trust in you despite unfulfilled longings, and rejoice knowing that you never stop loving us and always have our eternal best in mind.

Lord, we thank you for the children among us. We pray that you would use Restoration Kids to make disciples of the children here at our church. We thank you for the many members who serve and teach the gospel to our children. Grant salvation to each child here that they might never know life apart from trusting and treasuring Jesus Christ. We praise you for your abundant grace upon the W family of three. Oh how manifold are your mercies. Give J and T grace to raise P in the gospel of our Lord.

Build up our body in love that we might spur each other on in faithfulness of Christ as we journey toward heaven together. Grant us unity in the gospel being eager to sacrificially serve one another. We praise you for J and E and how they serve, we thank you for the Community Group hosts – the As, the Hs, the Ks, the As, the Ts, M, E and J, the Ms, the Ms, the Ps, the Fs – bless these brothers and sisters as they open their home each week. Use these groups to help us grow in maturity, to mutually care for one another physically and spiritually, and as a place for mission to advance the gospel.

For the glory of your name Lord advance your gospel among the Behdini Kurds. Grant peace and wisdom and joy to R and E. We thank you for our gospel partnership with them. Cause your word to be sweet to them and encourage them in their work. Help them to retain their language and to progress even further. Use us to meet their needs and encourage them in their labors. We pray for our sister A ministering to refugees in the Middle East. Grant her rest in the gospel; give her favor with the girls to whom she’s ministering. And use her to bring people to faith in Jesus. We pray for the leadership of the International Mission Board. Give David Platt, Sebastien Traeger, John Brady, Zane Pratt and Rodney Freeman Spirit-filled insight as they seek to steward funds for the global advancement of the gospel. And we pray for the M family. Continue to use them to be an encouragement to us, and us to them. Use their weekly Bible studies to mature those who already believe and the clearly communicate the gospel to those who do not. For the fame of Jesus Christ, build a solid foundation for Iglesea Biblica Sublime Gracia.

Triune God, thank you for the Bible. Holy Spirit, take the word and apply it to the soil of our heart that we might become more like Jesus to the glory of our Father. Give us the grace and discipline to bear fruit in keeping with repentance that we might enjoy our fellowship with you and with each other shining as lights, holding fast to the word of life. Feed our souls this morning; cause our eyes to see the majesty of your glory. We pray all of this in the matchless name of Jesus. Amen.